Adult Works In Progress Update Thread

Since Adult games are not readily visible by most users, this is a thread to keep people aware of the ongoing work with Adult WiPs. To read these WiPs, you’ll have to create an account and join the Adult Readers group if you haven’t already.

Ongoing Adult WiPs included here:

Name Author Content Warnings Last Update
Azrael @SambitMishra Extreme Violence, Swearing, Suggestive sexual acts and remarks, Violence against Children, Depictions of Drug abuse, Depictions of physical and emotional abuse. 26 August,2024
New era @L.D.nunes Sadist violence, violence,Torture Feb 02
Soul Entropy: Cross Valley @quartz Sexual Violence, Violence Against Children Sep 8
The Gray Painter @will Explicit Sex Apr 7
I, the Forgotten One Bacondoneright Violence Against Children, Torture Apr 30
The Monster Within Wesker22 Explicit Violence, Nudity, Sex, Violence against Children Jan 15
Deadline Riful Violence May 3
A Stern Hand Tool Explicit Sex June 11
A Cage of Mist and Shadow Joshua_Koch Violence, Sexual Content Feb 18
Through Broken Lenses InterestedParty Violence Against Children Feb 1
Blood Hunter InterestedParty Sadistic Violence Dec 1
New Avalon Blues Joshua_Koch Sadistic Violence, Explicit Sex Oct 15
Metaoia Clamoribus_Rogamina Sadistic Violence Aug 31
Become Mortal Tevin Explicit Sex, Sadistic Violence May 8
Nascent Narcissistic Necromancer sarahstuber Sexual Violence Apr 30
Land of Slaves and Steel Arasia_Valentia Sadistic Violence, Rape, Torture Apr 28
Good Intentions Joshua_Koch Sadistic Violence, Explicit Sex Apr 19
Witchwood (Supernatural Dating Sim) Babisko Explicit Sex Jan 16
Bright Eyes, Black Blood Leda Rape, Violence Against Children, Sadistic Violence Sep 28

NOTE: Read the below post, carefully, before updating this thread. Adding incorrect information about your game here may result in its thread being locked regardless of its location.

  1. The above post is only for games that are strictly adult content. If your game has a secondary adult content thread but also has a main thread (as noted in the Adult Readers group, it should not be included in this list.
  2. If you plan on including such content in your game, it is not strictly required but is strongly recommended you move your thread to the appropriate section ahead of time to prevent confusion. It is reasonable for a moderator or community leader to move your thread if you state you plan on including such content.
  3. Games should use this template to add their work to the table:
    | [Game Name](link to your forum thread) | @author | Content Warnings | Last Update Date |
  4. Games must include one or more of these content warnings:
    Explicit Sex: This means any specific mention of genitals, penetration, or sexual bodily fluids.
    Rape: This means any non-consensual sexual relations, including rape by coercion or deception.
    Sexual Violence: This means any non-consensual sexual contact, or threats thereof.
    Violence Against Children: This means any violence against children other than limited physical discipline, including indirect violence, such as extreme verbal abuse or neglect.
    Violence Against Disabled: This means any violence against disabled people who are unable to defend themselves, including indirect violence, such as extreme verbal abuse or neglect.
    Torture: This means any use of torture, such as violence against restrained individuals, regardless of the reason.
    Sadistic Violence: This means any prolonged violence, or violence explored in significant detail for the purpose of titillation or enjoyment.
  5. To avoid confusion on rules, games should not include any other content warnings in this post (further content warnings on the WiP thread itself may be appropriate, but are generally at the author’s discretion).
  6. If you want to discuss other content warnings to be included on this list, or have rules questions, email this CoG employee: @RETowers
  7. Games should use this format in the Last Update section: Mon ## to reduce overflow problems. Years should be marked out with this format: |||| _20XX_ | and inserted where appropriate.
  8. Games should be sorted by the last time updated, with most recently updated at the top of the list.
  9. This thread is only for announcing updates, not discussing games. If you’re commenting on something, post directly on a WiP’s thread rather than here.
  10. This is a wiki post. Any user can edit this post by clicking the pencil/pad icon in either the bottom right, or top right of this post. (It’s okay to update this if you’re not the author, but make sure to read the above rules carefully before doing so. Failure to do so may result in a suspension.)
  11. If you’re updating your game, it’s appropriate a make a post here with a link to your game. If you’re commenting on a game, please comment directly on that game’s thread as linked.