A Kings Life Part 1 (Please try)

Okay, here’s the link:


lol @Reoperoa it must come as a surprise to now be a woman

fuck ya cookies \m/

:frowning: I guess it was horrible my feelings are so hurting right now,

You know what Im clearing the slate and gonna make the REAL demo. For the cookies sake…



Im working on the new version guys its gonna have much more personalized items and details.
Please bear with me? I need some support here
I am only a first time choicescript user.But I will try to impress you guys

its a novel compared to my game (Undefined) demo on choose your story your game just needs more detail

Done the more detailed beta.

Its shorter but Im going to work on it ALL night. But now the basic part is programmed.

i feel like the choices are an outline of the game. should be made longer with story and character building. maybe a side story. the choices presented in this should be made by choices in a situation that will define your personality . idk just ideas…

Reaperoa can I send you the new one? I think you will be impressed can I please?

more characters (well detailed) are certainly needed

Oh trust me there will be more…*EVIL LAUGH*

forget the old link guys can you delete the old link Reaper?

Also I am having a little raffle… Three people on here will pick one name each for the female love interests PM me to enter

Sure, just send me an email whenever and I’ll put up the new version.

BTW Have you opened a webs.com account yet

@Talon5505 PM? no idea what that means but my vote for one of them is Madison

Reaper Im trying Its just I am trying to convince my dad to let me make an account because this is his computer so >.>"