Welp. Here we go again, huh?
Alright, let’s try this one more time, shall we? This is a brand new thread to avoid, hopefully, some confusion. This is due to all the rewrites and everything. I felt this was a simpler route.
So! This version of Agents of Lucifer is what you’ll be getting when it’s all dolled up and polished. It will NOT be undergoing any more heavy rewrites or complete overhauls.
The plot is… mostly the same.
Click me for the plot.
(I am bad at summaries.) But, basically, your god-Hunter gets tossed into a group of agents under Lucifer to work a murder-mystery case. Put the pieces together. Try not to die. Budding friendships possible! Or, y’know, be a lone-wolf, that’s cool too.
Unlike before, the murder-mystery involves people who had gone missing from the nightclub Obelisk, only for one of them to be killed and you poor neighbor attacked! No more Gorgons, I’m afraid!
Make friends with your new teammates, be a stand-offish jerk, or shamelessly flirt.
Play as straight, gay, or bisexual!
Lament over a dirty apartment or bask in the pride of keeping it tidy.
How does your god-Hunter cope with the past?
Can you solve the mystery? Or will you be the killer’s next target?
The ROs
Min-Jun/Ji: the Supervisory Agent, a fancy title for “leader”. They’re the patient one who deeply loves otome games. As a male, Min-Jun is 6′5. As a female, Min-Ji is 6′0. They are the oldest of the group and have a long history with Lucifer.
Andrei/Anya Carthorne: Second oldest with a regal air about them. They’re considered stoic, but they prefer “emotionally reserved”. As a male, Andrei is 6′0. As a female, Anya is 5′8.
Maples: Names after their eye color, like maple syrup. Energetic, lively, a bit of a shameless flirt, Third oldest of the group! As a male, Maples is 5′7. As a female, 5′3.
Eugene/Eugenia “Gen” Ashwell: They’re the youngest of the group but the most physically aggressive. Tall and brooding and kind of rude. Filter? What’s that? As a male, Eugene is 6′6. As a female, Eugenia is 6′1. Gen is demi-sexual, meaning they aren’t comfortable with anything sexual without a deep emotional connection.
Included in the WIP is the updates page, if I remember to actually update it, and a list of content warnings, which I will most likely leave in the final version.
Let me know of any all bugs and what you guys think! This is…so overdue, I’m sorry.
Wanna play? Updated Link! Click this!
Chapters 1 through 14!
Now included: A canonical short story featuring Lucifer and Raziel! Link not yet updated!
Wanna chat? Ask me questions? Find me here!: https://aprismaticodyssey.tumblr.com/ I post way too much there and it’s utter chaos because I don’t know how to organize
Patreon returning soon.