[WIP] mms-intercept: /message-type/spam: header: LENG IS RECRUITING!: RUN DECODE PROCESS

Wow, what an awesome bit of writing! I can only hope to emulate your descriptive skills in my own writing in the future. To echo the sentiment above, if you ever need any help, programming or otherwise, I would be happy to aid you.

Good Luck!

@MikeMan Thank you very much! As I said to Turtler, if youā€™d like to add any suggestions as the game progresses, Iā€™ll take a look to see if I can add them into the story or not but your offer is very much appreciated. :slight_smile: Itā€™s really nice to hear all of these supporting comments and hopefully Iā€™ll have a game demo up for you all real soon. :smiley:

And good luck in your writing too! Itā€™d be nice to take a look when youā€™re ready.

If I had seen this before anyone else had commented on it, I probably would have deleted it tooā€¦ ^^
As it happens, I think this sounds pretty damn cool, so Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t!

I added [WIP] to the front of the thread title, just to be on the safe side.

Keep at it!

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So far it sounds really intriguing. I hope you keep working on it :slight_smile:

@CJW Sure no problem, thatā€™s understandable. Itā€™d be a shame if it got deleted haha! Iā€™m glad you enjoy it too and I hope Iā€™m going to get the chance to work on it today so hopefully should have something soon.

@YaoiBloodhound Thank you very much! I will be working at it throughout this week and hopefully have something up soon.

Apologies for the delay. Thereā€™s been a mixture of issues that have repeatedly blocked me from making progress. Iā€™ve translated the ā€˜pitchā€™ on the first page into a semi-working choice form. In addition, Iā€™ve added a small section within the market square, should you choose that option. This is more a proof of concept than anything else.


Errors For your review while Looking for Gurlovā€™s establishment
Chose first place tourists go - Get 404 error despite restarting game and clearing internet cache.

Chose petty commerce district - get error Line 32: it is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *go to or *finish before the end of an indented block.

Chose Fatima said she owes you - get error Line 34: it is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *go to or *finish before the end of an indented block.

@piggleywinks Apologies for not stating; the game ends at that choice branch. Nonetheless, Iā€™ll edit the code so that the end is clearer and better signposted. When I say ā€˜the game endsā€™, I mean this current draft. I didnā€™t want to rush anything out as a first draft but I decided I may as well translate the OP into a choice form just to get some feedback on tone, atmosphere and any other ideas people felt when testing.

Thanks for your comments :slight_smile:


I should probably add some more information to this. Apologies for the double post but I had noticed a number of people had already clicked on the link and I wanted to make them aware of the following.

So the first draft of this was essentially the OP. I have since added something like 14,000 to 16,000 words.

Iā€™d rather not go into detail on theme and character but you might notice there are no stats (and also that its replacement doesnā€™t work yet). I decided to go against that for this game. Instead of progressing by arbitrarily increasing stats (which is by no means a bad way of doing it), I decided to measure progression through the information you acquire instead.

Gaining information unlocks new paths and missing information closes those paths off (but opens others). You may also need to be careful in how you acquire the information too. It makes coding this a lot more laborious and writing needs to have far more detail so it will take longer but I hope it is worth it.

Back to the journal, I will be updating that so that information gets added to it as you play. That way you donā€™t have to note everything down :smile:

As this is the prologue, you wonā€™t see too many consequences to your actions just yet but it should hopefully set up the story for you and put the wheels in motion, so to speak.

Iā€™ll also be adding ā€˜side questsā€™ so that there is more to do in the prologue. I donā€™t want to promise too much and not deliver on it later but one thing I am definitely planning is to expand the shuttle operators. They will become significant later and who you choose will have an impact on the story so I want to introduce them properly. Also, I am planning to expand the market section so youā€™re not just forced down a single path.

Any and all feedback is welcome. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Apologies for the lack of updates this week. Unfortunately, I have been quite busy with a few other projects recently but I thought I should let you know that I have pushed a small update to the journal so that it records your locations as you explore them. I will hopefully be able to work on the more substantial updates soon :slight_smile:

(the link is still the same as above ^)