WIP: Heal (Working Title)

When I read this game I thought of the dialogue choices in dragon age 2. That game can be really entertaing when it comes to wit and sarcasm

@LonelyLady I don’t think it’s a coincidence, but I am a massive, massive Bioware/Obsidian fan - purely because they tend to let you choose a personality for your character. It’s tough sometimes coming up with witty lines as I’m fairly unwitty. I’m very sarcastic though, which is the lowest form of wit apparently (though I’d rather have a low form of wit than none at all!)

Chapter 1 probably won’t be ready for a while, as unfortunately I’m not quite happy with the detail (it was written at the time of the original intro and is…as such a bit lacking). Plus the ending needs to be worked on too. I might even have to re-write entire parts. But the good news is, thanks to the Wiki, I’m getting more and more comfortable with the coding side, which is helping me progress a little quicker. I’ve spent most of this evening coding and writing a nice conversation with one of your new companions which has been a lot of fun. I think I’m going to have at least one nice detailed ‘camp fire’ conversation per chapter in order to help build up the player relationships with their party. :slight_smile:

@CJW - sometimes it’s through not finishing things that we can learn a lot. Look at all you’ve contributed to the wiki so far, for instance. But yes, I would love to see this through because I’ve failed to finish so many things.


@Antitorpiliko - I’m hoping to have the first half of chapter 1 up by the end of the week. It’s taken a while because I’ve decided to pretty much rewrite all of it (which has resulted in the chapter being split into two parts)! That’s included coding some fairly detailed conversations with two characters and a dice game (took me a while to get the logic right but I think it’s there.) Basically this chapter is all about getting to know your new companions, with a little bit of action thrown in towards the end.

Ok, ok. Well I’d like to thank you for the effort your putting in. I hope to play this! :smiley:

Okay, well I’ve added the first part of chapter 1. It’s not long (as it’s only half the chapter) but I suppose there’s a little more re playability in the chapter as you can’t do everything available in one sitting. I’m hoping to have the full chapter completed by the end of next week, but we’ll just see how it goes. Given that I have xcom to play, that might not happen (though I haven’t played it yet as I was determined to get this bit of the chapter done!) Once again, feedback is appreciated.

I’ve added in the soft save as described in the wiki here: http://choicescriptdev.wikia.com/wiki/Basic_Scripting_Techniques which means once you hit the end of the chapter, you can restart from a check point, so you can try some of the scenes you might have passed on the first time round.

Also, the game has been added to the wiki WIP hub as well: http://choicescriptdev.wikia.com/wiki/Heal

You, thank her for the meal and dig in.
-theres no need for the comma.
You cast your eyes around camp, and finally settle your gaze on Roy and Markus, who are both sitting playing dice
-Are we going to call him Roy or Robson?

Ok so first play through of the update. I like it. I like the character building with markus and Robson. Going to replay and chat with the others if thats possible. I was sad to see the end, because this is really good. Take all the time you need for the next update, I see this going far!

There’s no need for the comma*
Sorry if this seems rude, but… It really irks me to see grammar corrections with poor grammar.

I can see your point CJW, and I always find it interesting to point out grammar errors when I myself suck at grammar. But I felt like I should point it out anyways. Sorry for irking you.

Yeah… Sorry.
I feel like an ass for pointing it out now.
It’s nothing personal, just a pet hate.
I usually try to avoid commenting on people’s grammar myself, because of exactly that.

I like it. I was thinking though that it might be a good idea to add two different events depending on which healer you choose. With one healer she is by her family so maybe there could be a family event, and in the other one something completely different happens. I feel like no matter which healer i choose it doesn’t feel like the experience is different.

Besides that it’s cool to play a game there the main character is a girl by default and not a guy.

@Antitorpiliko - thanks for catching those. I’ve fixed them now. And thanks for your positive comments too, they are much appreciated!

@CJW To be honest, I’d rather just be told about errors like that as I will miss some things (probably a lot of things). But I get what you mean. It depends on context though, say if I’m posting on a forum and someone corrects my grammar and they have terrible grammar then I might get annoyed. But given that I’m asking people to look at my wip, I do want the criticisms as well as the compliments. Otherwise, I might not fix them.

@Victoriya - I see what you mean about the experience not being different enough. After the introduction though, I think there will be differences. For instance, you might encounter someone in a town you know because you met them working at the keep. So some events will be specific to that background and vice versa. And I’m not talking about simple a name swap either.

I suppose initially the idea was to give people an option to specialise in either Crux or Natuera, so how you treated injuries would be entirely different. But now I’ve essentially allowed the player to specialise in both(as actually it’d be a bit dull if you were only good at one type) if they study hard enough it makes the backgrounds seem a bit redundant. I think it would be nice to expand on the celebration to establish ‘friends’ in either the keep or the village, but at the minute I want to go in one direction and make sure I actually finish it.

It’s funny, but this update has more lines than the introduction, but is a lot shorter because you can only choose some of the options. I suppose that’s the trade off I’ll have to try and balance.

I get an error when I check the stats

@Krazysnerd - ah thanks for pointing that out. I had incorrectly spelt one of the variables which it didn’t like. Fixed now!

Okay, so I tried reading all the comments to make sure this wasn’t said, and I don’t *think* I saw it, so here goes:
During the beginning stages of the game, after receiving the book of healing from Faye, it asked me what I did during my spare time. I chose “practiced with a bow” and it immediately came up with an error, but then brought me to a page describing practicing bows, but without any option to go back. So I was stuck there…

Besides that error, I liked the game and how it was set up!

@FortunesFaded Thanks for catching that one. Fixed now! Also, glad you enjoyed it so far :slight_smile:

I’ve just playtested it. Enjoyed the writing, especially the dicing scene in chapter 2, looking forward to chapter 3.

Looking good!

As for medical dilemmas depending on where you’re from I suppose it’ll differ. I know there’s the classic dilemma of who’s rights should be followed in the event of complications at birth where the mother chooses to refuse treatment (i.e. she and the child will die or just the child/mother) based on natural birth or refusal of c-section procedures. Not sure how you’d use that.

Other birth related dilemma’s often come under religious belief mantras. As does dilemmas related to blood transfusions (jehovah’s witness rights) and con-joined twins etc. Those are all real dilemmas through England/Wales and Europe that will have been ruled on, in some cases differently to say America or other western nations.

There’s capacity dilemmas, for example should a child/minor be allowed certain treatments that they themselves requested but don’t have the capacity to have the treatment (think birth control for someone under the age of consent - a doctor isn’t technically meant to be supplying a means for sexual activity) but I suppose really the examples I have are probably too modern in context for your story. I’ll be keen to see what you come up with though. =)

@ Bloodwyche - glad you enjoyed it. The dicing scene was fairly fun to write, though as it’s random I had to write potential responses for a lot of different scenarios (of course they’re all fairly brief so not too tricky!)

@RVallant - Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll probably touch on the religious beliefs one as the ‘Daia’ healing method is frowned upon by some. That method of healing is going to play quite an important part to the overall story though. I hadn’t thought of the child birth one - I think that could be a really interesting one to explore.

Can’t say any work has been done on this for the past week, but I’ve had a few ideas flying around my head that hopefully I’ll get down in notepad++ soon!


Random maybe, but still quite well done. Spotted a spelling mistake in the line “It was always a bit to easy to go to the tavern on an evening, rather than concentrate on your studies.” it should read “It was always a bit too easy to go to the tavern…”