WIP: Fallen Hero 2: Retribution - updated 27 april 2019 (pre-adult version)

If you’re talking about that Argent scene in the demo where you can kiss her then no that’s no an adult scene.

I hope this is a troll, because there is no beta. Even what we’re playing isn’t a “beta.” It’s an early alpha. There’s a difference.


Herald demo spoiler!! It’s possible for him to cook breakfast:shushing_face:

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Yeah, but the price for that is letting Herald see, well what my mc does not want Herald or anyone else to see. So I’ll pass on it this time.

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Well now. This Shroud woman has me properly freaked out thanks to certain extrapolations. I don’t know how I’m going to deal with her, but whatever it is I have to do, it is probably going to necessitate something drastic… :worried:

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Okay, have tried to fix some of the bugs in the auction, should hopefully not be a loop now.


I’m confused - is there separate releases on tumblr? I only can find the old blog that doesn’t seem to be updated any more for the first game. Or is this a private beta tester thing?

I did a little test thing of two mini scenes on tumblr, to try to see if just single scene testing made it easier to find pathing errors than proper full game testing, now that it is gathering in length. I have not posted links to them on here yet because I think they will catapult this alpha right into the adult section since it is RO related scenes.

They will be in the open alpha eventually, bur right now they are just out of context interactive snippets if that makes sense.

The links are still on my tumblr, think I reblogged them yesterday or the day before as a response to an ask.


So something I just caught is that when you’re playing as MC at the auction and your puppet has convinced Doctor Mortum to just buy his gun back and then you talk to him as the MC, there’s a slight pronoun swap, like what was happening with Spoon.


In the first fallen hero how do you make ortega sympathetic to your cause, or how do you know if she is symapthetic

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I think your actions and goal (like your goal : not revenge , dont harm civilian) and last the speech you give ortega . I usually make that run , and I do goody stuff like dont go all cruel on herald and such .

adding more: You will know you did right at the end . when you get the scene between ortega and Steel . She has to say something like ‘‘Did you ever doubt…question…something something’’ . So technicly , she is not sympathic but you planted the seed . I think the sympathic is in the demo for book 2 . You can see it in the flashback between Ortega and your mc (when mc ask ortega if they had any luck catching your evil you , and she (or he) say something like ‘‘its not a joke!’’ . If she is sympathic (which is a choice you can pick at the beginning of the demo , you will see it in this flashback scene ) and she say something like or make a face like she is reluctant to do it…then say ‘‘I dont have a choice in the matter , I gotta stop them’’ regardless of how she feel .

@wolf666 hope that help :slight_smile:


I got a question about basic morality:
Does the MC’s treatment of the puppet confirm the morality of the players during the playthrough, or does it deduct from the playthrough? ie, if the MC chose to protect the puppet at various times during the game, does it mean that the player is improving at being moral?

Or if the player choses to cause the least amount of casualities during any fight, is that also a good indicator of the player’s morality? For example, in my own playthroughs, I often sought to cause the least amount of casualities during my game-time.


Morality seems more to be up to the reader than anything else. As for whether these things will be recognized by the books… Malin’s gone on record saying that it is being tracked by a hidden value. If your character is a relatively good kid, the book will know. :wink:


This is by far one of my two favorite games on here. I seriously love this storyline.

Wait what is there first?

Is there anything to rival this game? :open_mouth:

For me, I can’t choose between this and Wayhaven, no matter how hard I try to narrow it down.


I can help with that, Fallen hero > Wayhaven xD


It really depends on your preference. :joy: I’m like @zizzlekwum, these TWC and FH are two of my favorite series in all CoG and HG. Of course, I prefer not pitting one game over the other because they bring different styles in the table which I am grateful for.


I’m always trying to compare things that have no business being compared. I have a need to attempt to quantify everything. Probably the autism lol.


Hello. I beat Argent before, on the sewers, But it was with telepathy and not because of closed quarters. Also I have no ideia about using a “sword of Damocles”. I even helped her not the drown in the sewer. so, maybe something’s not linear here?

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