(WIP) Blood/line (Indefinite Hiatus)

Oh I see, thanks!

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I feel like I’m constantly channeling the screaming frog meme when playing this game. My character is almost always a constant grump/sarcastic scone, ready to reeeeee at everything and everyone. I’m surprised she managed to get a “friendly start” with the selkie. XD

(To be fair, if I were kidnapped from my home and family I would be pretty p***ed off as well, so their reaction is completely justified IMO.)


Thank you!!!

The first portion is basically just saying your hands were tied, but never directly to the chair. I hope that clears up the light confusion!!

And… oh dear. I better fix that up, oops!!!

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Quick update to say I fixed a quick coding bug in chapter two!!! Didn’t notice it beforehand and now I have, big oops!!


I’m surprised I didn’t check this out sooner, I had a lot of fun! Thank you for giving me yet another absolutely feral mc lol. I cannot wait to fight everyone and everything. Except Fergie. Fergie is a sweetheart and I would die for her, just sayin. I really enjoyed Larry and his friends’ introduction too, I thought it was funny even if my mc was uh… pretty damn grumpy

I feel so bad for mc and mc’s dad though, half a frantic voice-mail and suddenly his daughter’s vanished into thin air? Mrs. Anderson can fight me, what would it matter even if mc WAS adopted, ass.

Speaking of parents, I wonder what MC’S mom would think of all this nonsense, I hope that we can find out what happened with her in in the process of finding out more about this whole curse deal.

I think there's an error with the conversation with Fergie before bed scene in ch 2

If you choose to admit you’re not okay when Fergie asks you how you’re doing the game takes you straight to your next nightmare without finishing the conversation. I tried the other option and we see mc actually fall asleep so I think something went wonky.


Same. Fergie must be the chosen one, if they can reliably make the MC chill long enough to be a tad nicer. :joy:


Thank you! I’m really glad you really enjoy Blood/line! And I really hope you’ll enjoy the future chapters

About that error...

My editor actually has the same error, and according to the coding it looks alright? I’ve been trying to see why exactly this happens.
But thank you for telling me this!!



We just fixed that error because I am big dingus, and after many tries, it now works.



Not sure if this bug had ran into everyone, but it ran into a few people, and this bug was a choice and now it is fixed!
The bug was [SPOILERS]: The choice before going to sleep with another nightmare, talking to Fergie. Where you can choose to tell them if you are okay or not. Some people had the option to see the interaction if you select “You are not okay”, but some people were launched straight for the dream sequence. It has now been fixed, and everybody should be able to read the choice


Soon as big man got too close to fergie I came to a decision.

I’m ok with taking an L…but I’m doing it with a war cry :joy:


i stumbled upon this while browsing through WIP on dashingdon, story hooked me even though its still a WIP

i cant wait to come back to this and play the full version.

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I’ve found chapter 1 to be great- as a lot of people have said, you’ve done a great job of getting us to feel the MCs anger at their situation and frustration at their treatment. Chapter 2 isn’t working as well for me. A few things that are feeling off:
-Fergie is being cast as sweet- but why haven’t they shown the slightest interest in asking the MC about how they ended up in their room in the middle of the night with nothing but their clothes on their back? Shown any curiosity about the MC and their life? Even what they are? Fergie’s total lack of understanding of why the MC doesn’t want to be there and the hatred of humans discussion that happens later seem to be founded on Fergie having no idea about the MCs history, which is where the absence of this conversation becomes most startling. We’re being pushed into them in a best friend role, but somehow our new friend doesn’t actually care to learn anything about us?
-Why is the university scheduled like a high school?
-But the biggest, for me, is a radical shift in tone and mood. Somehow, the day after a really traumatic, disorienting experience the MC is just going to classes (something the night before they had the option to be fiercely resisting)! Teasing their roommate about their crushes! Getting captured and tied up and not being able to say “what is wrong with you? does nobody in this place understand consent?” instead of answering their completely inappropriate question about dating! It’s like we’ve shifted into an entirely different genre without warning.

The first chapter is very much creating a situation where Mrs. Anderson is, I think unintentionally, trying to gaslight you. This is a great place! Your father doesn’t matter, just forget about him, he’s probably not really your father anyway! College will be great! Of course you’ll be happy there! This is all normal! While your MC is at least given the option of pushing back, hard. But in chapter 2, I feel like the story itself is pushing us into accepting that we’re now in wacky supernatural college fun! I recognize that the nature of the medium is that we have to accept the premise of the plot- you can’t give unlimited options. But a very natural reaction to the situation would be for a MC to skip classes (what are they going to do? send me home to my parents? kick me out of a place I don’t want to be in in the first place?) and do something they care about more: see if the library might have information about what they might be, for example, or explore the town, or see if they can figure out a way to escape, seeing if there might be some way to communicate with their father, just asserting what tiny bit of control over their own life they still have. But our MC just…goes with it for no clear reason other than the fact that our roommate is enthusiastic and doesn’t understand why we’re not either (again, because they apparently have no interest in finding out?). They seem to be accepting that they’re now living in a different genre and rolling with it. And that’s feeling very unsettling to me.


I understand a lot of the confusion, and I plan on revisiting chapter two when I’ve finished working on the open demo and work on chapters for beta testing. I have noticed several things about this, especially Fergie’s affluent nature about MC, and MC suddenly going to classes. I’ll add some things into both the second chapter and first, because I feel like I’ve left a lot of stuff out.
But the main feel I wanna get, is you’re either just going along with it while planning to get out (a subtle, pretending to go along with it all when you’re really not), or being straight-up defensive while planning to get out (a harsher, bold statement you never want to be out here in the first place).
But, these are currently still in the works and just the demo, I’ll def be changing things up when I finish up posting what will be posted publicly.

As for the uni/high school question, I don’t quite know how uni schedules work but for now while in the demo, they’re just gonna be bell-dismissal classes. Later on, it wont quite be that.



The third chapter is LIVE!!

After a whole month of coding, everyone is able to play Chapter three! This chapter continues right from the second chapter, so have fun!!!

Have a Supernatural Day!!!


Will there be more option centralized on introvert character? Right the MC isn’t that much influenced by it. The first time, you could choose to escape and hide, even literally bite back like a cornered cat for how much the MC was scared, but now the MC just go around like nothing changed, not jumpy about other “monster” and some time having only the opportunity to choose only a funny remark or generally outside character choices.


Indeed there will be!!!

This currently is still in the demo, and my editor and I are still looking over what could be added, and taken away.

Choices to avoid others and not be sociable will be in the final product! But for now, the light options of mainly being straightforward with your goals, will be the current sort of “placeholder” I guess you can say. At least, for now.

I hope this answers your question!!!


Ran into error when selecting the furious choice right before the demo ends

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Should be fixed now!!

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I does more than answer my question. It tells me that you have clear idea and that this story will have great future


Ok so just gonna give my honest opinion here. But first let me say that everything I am about to say is from me only reading the entirety of the new update once and that all of this is simply constructive criticism along with some personal thoughts. First did I enjoy this demo and chapter 3? The answer is yes. Second the culinary vampier is now well on her way to being my favorite Ro.
Third after reading through the demo I was give two states of emotions, whiplash and a sense of claustrophobia. So let’s start with the whiplash. From the beginning of the demo to the mid point of chapter 2 we are essentially turned into a monster, kidnapped, interrogated, enrolled in college, meet a bunch of characters,and get kidnapped again/ have our ID stolen all in the span of what seems like a single day. It threw, me for a loop and almost nothing was given a satisfactory answer as to why how or who. One question brought up in the chaos that keeps eating at me is how did the agents (?) find our MC after only being part monster for less than a day? Maybe I’m an idiot, no scratch that I am an idiot but still I have to play again to make sure but even if the information I’m asking for was presented it was over shadowed by the fact I was kidnapped. For this I would recommend adding a scene with the gargoyle lady coming to check on our Mc and give us a chance to extract some concrete info out of her when the shock of the kidnapping fades a bit.
Now let’s address the claustrophobic feeling. So from the mid of chapter two till the end of the demo things have slowed down enough that info is easily accessible but there is so much of just nothing happening that it feels like a slog to get through and while the characters make it a bit better to get through it’s not by much. I personally would find a way to extend the character scenes and meld certain scenes of the breakout prep together.
The pacing needs a lot of work in my opinion and one last thing that maybe more a me thing is through the entire story so far i felt that no matter what situation I was in I was encouraged to be hostile toward everyone I met. This may be caused by the kidnapping scene prior to beginning and yes it makes sense that a character is upset when taken against their will (Duh) but still. It may also be caused by the wording of the demo as we are more focused on the kidnapping and trying to find a way out. One example of this problem is after we leave the interrogation room our gargoyle host basically says “I know we stole you and you are kinda pissed at us right now but look at the pretty building, And here is a card with a picture of you on it isn’t that swell?” I know it didn’t work the first time cause you know stone woman but I wanted so bad to try hitting her again.
(Sorry this was kinda long)