(WIP) Aura Clash SFW Discussion [466k Words (624k Patreon) | Eastern Fantasy | Adventure | Martial Arts]

I’m pleased to present Aura Clash, a high-flying fantasy Martial Arts world where you unfortunately play as a powerless peasant arrogantly rising above their station.

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֎ Play the Patreon Build [624k Words]

Aura Clash is based in an eastern fantasy world of powerful martial artists who gain their superhuman abilities by absorbing natural chi from the world and enhancing it through battle and training.

You play the role of a child growing up in a medium-sized village hidden away in the mountains, powerless and penniless with your otherwise happy family. Yet such a safe life is not for everyone. Your quest to join the ranks of the Martial Artists in your growing years will lead to unforeseeable events:

  • Build up your own Clan from scratch, a slow task easier said than done.
  • Learn one of the five mystical Martial Arts and master two of the eight Elements.
  • Uncover darker plots hiding under the surface of the local Martial World.
  • Compete in the Heavenly Ascension Trials against thousands of other Martial Artists for the right to join the Archonate, the most prestigious Sect in the empire.
  • Form alliances or rivalries with different competitors and factions to increase (or ruin) your chance for victory.
The Cast

Note: Romance options are heterosexual.

Kosuke [F/M, RO]: Your childhood friend who’s followed your journey from the start and occasionally gets you into trouble.

Angelo [M, RO]: A wine-loving pilgrim and travelling mentor seeking those in need according to the teachings of the Devanic Temple.

Tian Fang [F, RO]: The star pupil of an ally Sect, Tian Fang keeps a cheery demeanor clashing against her unusually deep wolf yokai instincts.

Crusher Jack [M]: Your childhood bully and rival. Arrogant, condescending, insecure, tyrannical if given the chance. A truly unrepentant asshole and prodigy.

Lady Desdemona [F, RO]: A directionally-challenged swamp witch working to keep her weak Sect in tact and make money doing it.

Dai Guiren [M, RO]: A charming but ruthless debt collector and gang leader with a powerful benefactor and the worst underlings on the planet.

Crusher Mao [M]: The master of your village’s Martial Arts Sect. A powerful and ruthless leader worshipped like a celebrity.

Leona [F, RO]: A manic and violent woman seeking the next thrill whether it be a bloody duel or a fishing contest.

Jin and Rin [M and F]: Your younger siblings and general annoyance in your life.

Various Others: As the writing grows temporary recurring characters and romances have been sprinkled into the plot, one romance of which is already in place. These will be brought back in later chapters/potential sequels depending on popular demand. (I have already been threatened to bring back the romance, twice).

Cut Content

I set a personal deadline of 9 months, which came out to exactly Halloween since I started on March 1st. Below is a list of half-written/planned content for the current WIP that didn’t make it and is scheduled to be added back in:

  • Flavor text for increasing Skills during the 12 months of training in Chapter 3.
  • An entirely different quest option to learn Shugendō.
  • Option to challenge Bo to a duel at the sparring ring instead of racing him.
  • Journal page (lexicon [TBD], world information [TBD], characters [COMPLETE])
  • More books at the library (which will add to journal world information)
  • Punching Guiren in the face as his ally.
  • An option to fight The Boar™
  • More racial/trait reactivity.
  • AP values of certain NPCs in the journal entries if your Insight is high enough, updated by chapter.
  • A prompt offering to use certain skill-boosting rituals when failing skill checks, but only if it would cause the caster to win the check.
  • Added 160k words for Chapter 7a.
  • Chapter 6’s final reveal was rewritten (still the same effect, presented better)
  • A certain shameless confession now comes with a Prestige loss.
  • Skills above 5 will now display correctly.
  • The weapon* based check against a certain boss fight now checks for the weapon quality accurately, instead of the material type. (My bad)
  • You can now reforge the weapon you chose in the chapter 5 prison when you get to Harehama.
  • Truegold weapon material now handles Power and Agility. Snowsteel weapon material now handles Fortitude and Soul.
  • Improving items when you have Craft 5 or higher will now show the improvement.
  • (They had to be rearranged as Agility had 3 representations and Fortitude had 1.)
  • Thanks to our wonderful QA department (the players) we have our first nerf. A nerf in a single* player game, because I am a bad person who hates fun. It’s the Hungry Spirit Ritual.
  • (Kitsune/Oni now gain a smaller advantage (a little over half the old boost [not half the old gains, just half the extra from race]).)
  • (Handseals ranked above 5 no longer benefits the ritual.)
  • (Is it still the superior build? I don’t know. I don’t test things.)
  • You now get the proper proceeds for winning the fishing tournament.
  • Infamy has now been implemented as a counter to Prestige and will see more future implementation.
  • (Some establishments or NPCs may prioritize it, others may consider it when deciding if your prestige is high enough.)
  • You can now keep any clothing you’ve purchased in the past.
  • Fixed a bug where improving your weapons with Craft 5 or more didn’t show their improvement level.
  • Fixed a bug where sneaking past Desdemona in Harehama caused a PERMANENT * 1 stealth
  • Added a feature so you don’t need to empty an Accessory item slot to equip something anymore, it automatically empties it first for you.
  • Added a feature to stop people from changing equipment mid* fight.
v0.3 Patch
  • Chapter 6 added
  • I forgot to write down patchnotes.
  • lol. lmao even.
v0.2.1 Patch
  • Unequipping the Akakiru chiblade now changes the correct stats
  • Fixed the Cheshire Heart price at the chapter 3 butcher
  • Added an unequip script when getting your weapon in the prison armory so it doesn’t cause glitches
  • Fixed tag for making your aura green
  • Fixed a few images
  • Changed the elemental Techniques from 180 shards to 110 and changed their AP boost from 10 to 15
  • Fixed the fail check for using stealth against the prison guard
  • Fixed an issue where non-Oni told Guiren’s minion Yoji they were Oni too
  • Fixed the Auspicious Northern Brand thinking it was the Eastern counterpart
  • Diving for lost treasures in chapter 3 now properly rewards based on fortitude not power
  • Kosuke now gets injured from FAILING the combat check at the mansion crater, rather than succeeding at it
  • Fixed an issue with the last word of kosuke’s entry using your sex instead of kosuke’s.
  • Added a clause to bring attention to the alchemy stall in chapter 4 so players wouldn’t miss the Memorywell Elixir so often.
  • Fixed several variable reporting errors
  • Fixed the gamebreak from Jack’s Thunderfall punch
  • Added an option for the Light element to steal the Memorywell Elixir
  • Changed some confusing wording when using Water to defend against a certain attack.
  • Fixed dissonance with your inner thoughts if you defeated Jack before the Gate triggered
  • Updated some Style/Element colors to make them all 1 word. Ice is now arctic blue (just called arctic), Light is now yellow, Earth is now amber, Storm is now violet, Kurokonton is now purple
  • Fixed the Memorywell Elixir not updating your auracolor.
  • Fixed the variable tracking whether or not Jack robs you
  • Adjusted honor and ruthless charts so they “can’t” go above 100 or below 0. (They reset to 0 or 100 when you check the stat page)
  • Fixed the bodytype text when fighting the Grim.
  • Fixed the Darkness element in chapter 5 not increasing your element’s rank.
  • Fixed a few wound entries not triggering the right scripts
  • Fixed the broken Human racial that prevents death if you have enough chi.
  • Removed the duplicate AP gain from cycling
  • Added the Hungry Spirit Ritual bonus to the Storm Gate cycling event when you work alongside Tian Fang (of all the sentences I have said, this one makes the least sense without context).
  • A couple dozen other small fixes not mention
  • Added 4 timepass clauses to Chapter 3 so your rituals wear off.
  • Allowed the MC to overwrite their Auspicious Seals with a different skill boost.
  • Fixed Mao’s warning never triggering.
v0.2 Update
  • 100k word update without code
  • Chapter 5 complete.
  • Fixed a plethora of typos and no doubt added even more.
  • Fixed both known gamebreaking bugs, undoubtedly created more in chapter 5
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t increase a Combat Core unless you had 100 Unallocated AP. You can now increase your Cores as long as you have a high enough discount from your Mortal Core Advancement.
  • Added the ability to choose your aura color in the Cultivation page if you’ve learned multiple chi sources.
  • Incorporated a weapon system including crafting quality, weapon materials, and enchantments (all programmed in, some available now, more later; believe me I’m interested in incorporating my new toy functions more).
    –Enchantments will give active or passive buffs while the weapon is equipped.
    –Crafting quality will determine what value the weapon adds to stat checks when used in combat.
    –Crafting material (Jade, Beastbone, Snowsteel, Truegold) will ensure you always have at least 1 unemptied Core in 2 different stat Cores depending on the material used.
  • Fixed several gendered variables (ladies, Father should stop acting like he wished he had a son).
  • Added beard options for men.
  • Added the “Jade Dragon Foundation” cheat mode for all you arrogant fiends, chosen when selecting your Chi Potential and improved after basic training.
  • Inversely added the “Mortal Limits” difficulty mode, lowering how much AP you gain once you reach the regional AP cap (800 AP in Outer West). Does it come with hidden rewards in the future? Who’s to say. (It doesn’t…yet.)
  • Added a dozen more reactivity points (will be a different update’s focus).
  • Added the opportunity to learn the Fire Element on your first mission for non-evil players.
  • Added the ability to learn the Storm element from the Heavenly Storm Gate.
  • Added a third, fourth, and fifth secondary element option (Wind, Earth, and Ice) in Chapter 4.
  • Added a sixth secondary element option (Darkness) in Chapter 5.
  • Added a secret race option by popular demand (goodluck finding it).
  • Kosuke is now ecstatic if acquiring a second crossbow. (odd request but I allowed it)
  • If you withstand Jack’s punch he no longer robs your delivery.
  • Added 30 EXP between the 4 Cores (based on background) for characters who skip chapter 1 to take the place of background synchronization.
  • Added NPC entries into the Journal page.
  • Split the Handseal rituals into more options and added a couple more.
  • Added a sage’s shop to Thunderfall and Chapter 4’s outpost town where plenty of Seal scrolls can be found for sale.
  • Added the option to disable the portrait pics in the Journal Page. (by popular [hurtful] demand)
  • Returned the alchemy page to the Cultivation menu so you can brew elixirs on the go thanks to your trusty Refiner’s Kit (free).
  • Added a “Sonar Mode” to the Journal Page for the visually impaired, replacing the pictures used for Chapter, Titles, and the Stat Screen.
  • Created and implemented the Technique system.
    –Certain Technique benefits are passives that are always on so long as you’ve learned the Technique.
    –Other Technique benefits must be focused (equipped), they are not active unless the Technique is focused into one of your four Technique slots.
    –Racial Technique unlocked in Chapter 2.
    –Techniques for sale in the outpost of Chapter 4
    –Techniques learned during the training montage in Chapter 4.
  • A second option to seduce (or turn down) Kosuke has been added to Chapter 2.
  • Changed the “{core} Core Surged” language to “{core} Chi Spent” for clarification that it’s using up your available chi allocated to Power, Agility, Fortitude, or Soul.
  • You no longer need to convert your currencies to afford things, the shops do it automatically.
v0.1 Release
  • Initial Release, 205k words

I am in love, from the writing to the characters I think I am going to see something I will def enjoy in the future!

Edit: This made me laugh a lot


BUGS :bug:



I just finished it and I got so annoyed when I got to the current ending that I went “oh come on!”

That should tell you how invested I got into this WIP and I’m looking forward to seeing more of it. You got some great potential in this so I wouldn’t be surprised if this ended up being one of the popular WIPs on here.


Just fixed that bug, an ifelse was set to an if so the *else bug command hit every time a female MC got there. I removed all the *bug commands from chapter 3 while I was at it so next time you’ll hopefully get to keep playing if there’s another!


I must say this is very fun, i’m looking forward to seeing what happens next
keep up the good work


This is absolutely awesome. The author put a lot of work into this WIP, and it really shows through the writing.

There are a lot of skills and stats, but I honestly felt that they all got frequent and pretty much equal screen-time in terms of skill increases and checks, so to speak, which is really great.

Also the story is really engaging and fun, and I say this as someone who isn’t even particularly interested in the martial arts fantasy genre.

But most importantly, I absolutely loved your writing omg! It’s descriptive but easy to read, and I loved that there were quite a few moments that made me laugh (in a good way! it’s not easy to intersperse humour throughout a story in a way that actually improves it without being obstructive or distracting, so i really appreciate authors who are able to pull this off :joy: )


Going to give this a try


There is one thing I would highly recommend, however:

Please consider adding a lot more details about your game to the intro post, including the story, characters, and features (like what we are able to do in the game that is fun/interesting that gets readers’ attentions). Your game is really good but I’m worried that a lot of people might gloss over it when they see the current intro post.


Hmmm I’ve only read the description and I’m already in love


this wip is great the only problem i have is the cliffhang ending and the stat manual for increase in stats doesn’t work other than that the story is prefect

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Believe me the cliffhanger was a compromise not a goal, I set a Halloween deadline and was determined to end at a legitimate turning point. As for the stat book failing, is this from inside the Inventory system or somewhere else and which stat did it fail to raise?


yes and all on i only tested survival alchemy and a few other also with this book be the start of a series because this book is great and how far can we as a clan and as a individual get

and it is good the cliff hanger will just make me more happy with the next update


It’s so neat to be able to play a Monkey Yokai, that’s a pretty rare feature.

I guess Onis are more based in Tieflings than on the ones from stories like Momotaro since they have a deception bonus instead of a strength one?

One critic I have is that some of the styles are better described than others. For exemple, the Sorcery style has a very good description of what I can expect if I pick it while the Minds style is kinda unclear on what a fight with it would look like.

Very good so far.


awesome wip where I can actually feel like PLAYING instead of just READING

keep up the good work


Hii I found this problem!!!

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Very fun read! This is some of the best pacing and writing I’ve read in one of these books to date, 100% I’m gonna buy it when it comes out!

The power difference between characters and how it effects their interactions is my favorite part of this story and the main characters all have interesting and memorable personalities. I also enjoy the blend of humor and horror you’re going for here, it keeps the story from becoming too grimdark and edgy.
The tone actually feels like if dragonball and the boys had very violent and kickass baby which I really enjoy.

I gotta ask though if its possible to get a race with dark skin? Im not sure if there’s gonna be a lore reason for that not being possible but it would be cool to see my skin tone in the story! Really not a big issue just a personal request.
Keep up the good work Im looking forward to its release!


This is so good!!! I’ve always liked eastern xianxia or wuxia style novels so this was a good one. I loved the interactions and loved the story as a whole can’t wait for more content!!!


I love this game a lot compared to other games it feels really nice it not too heavy on the stat requirements and the humor is great :+1:t2:
Also there was a glitch were I bought a drab outfit like sandals and a hat to blend in and it never showed up in my inventory.


Cool xianxia story, i hope more people’s seeing this thread. Stay safe and healthy