Which games do you think are underrated?

Don’t you have to pay for Necromancer? I’m just asking because I’m gonna try these techniques on some of my friends this weekend, and I don’t want to force them to pay for something they might not like. I mean, I really love it, but there are even some hardcore CoG fans who don’t care for it.

No Vampire in there? You’re not forcing other people to play your own game? You should be ashamed. :stuck_out_tongue:


Vampire’s not free-to-download on iOS. Necromancer is.

(If it’s an Android device, I also download Vampire and Deathless. And try to convince people that we don’t just make games about the undead.)


While it’s certainly garnered some attention and charts somewhat highly, I still think “Creatures Such as We” is underrated. It’s really pretty phenomenal in what it manages to achieve. It has such a unique tone, is so incredibly meta and intellectual, challenges so many tropes, stereotypes and gaming conventions, that it ends up coming across more as artwork than a game.

Sorry I was wondering if life of a mobster is a good to buy and thrives of gambit and for me understated had to be just my opinion Silient Gear I had a blast with and it was free with ads but a good story. No Proper Theif I found amusing and chuckle along the way just wish there was more seriousness but hopefully another WIP can have a refreshing genre like bank heisting like PayDay that would be nice. Choice of Ninja and Choice of Kung Fu had to be underrated for how good both story lines were and especially choice of Kung fu with the RO interest of the fox lady