War of the Divines (WIP) (110k words)

New update! Detective prologue added to the game. Game now sits at 110k words, having added about 31k new content.

Hello! I’ve made this post to present my first ever game: War of the Divines. Here goes the summary:

You were but a normal human, living in planet Earth. Your life was filled with accomplishments, earning you a position of power. However, your life turned upside down when one day, a cataclysm befell Earth, and you ended up dying after committing a heroic act. Now, met with multiple gods, they give you a mission: be reborn in another world to win a war against foreign gods and their forces. Only you and the handful of other heroes reborn along with you can defeat Earth’s enemies.

In this game, you will:

  • Choose between 4 Earthly origins, two of them having two more sub-origins. Each will affect your stats. Be it a Soldier/General, SWAT/Detective, CEO or President, you can be any of those.

  • Meet gods from different mythologies: greek, norse, egyptian and japanese. Be blessed by them, and receive many incredible powers that will turn you into a true powerhouse, each god giving a different blessing and the number of your blessings determined by difficulty.

  • Be reborn in another world as the heir to a realm: train and study, govern your kingdom, command armies, and even conquer other nations!

  • Enjoy an Isekai adventure! Just because you’re royalty, it doesn’t mean that you can’t adventure around the world.

  • Be straight, gay, bisexual or aroace! Romance one, two, three, or how many ROs you want at the same time. Turns out polygamy is a thing in a fantasy world.

  • Defeat the foreign gods and their forces and save Earth! Rule a prosperous kingdom, conquer the world, or even become a god yourself!

[This is not all there will be to it, probably. This game is an early concept, and I don’t have all of it completely planned out, even though I have an idea of how I want it to go. Some things may be subject to change, and I may add new things as the story goes. That being said, I hope you enjoy this WIP.]

This game is very early in development: so far we only have the Soldier, General, SWAT and Detective prologues, as well as the brief shared prologue that goes until you are born. I am still working on it, but decided to post so that people can get to know the game.

If you played it, please, share your thoughts. I can also appreciate tips, suggestions and callouts to any errors (such as spelling mistakes) I may have made (as well as coding tips, to the code divers out there. I’m a complete newbie at this).

That being said, the demo is here: War of the Divines - DEMO (110k words)

I hope you like it, and if you don’t, that’s okay. Just don’t throw rotten tomatoes at me, tell me what you didn’t like, so maybe I can do better in the future! This is my first ever work, be it a game or a story.


looks intresting saw no gramma issus (take it with a grin salt my english is not the best) and already saves there , good lore to the gods , but cant say much more becouse not much to do for now but liked what i saw , will bookmark it, wish you the best and keep up that good work :slight_smile:
edit: liked the cheat mode makes it pretty intresting for people who just want read a good story


Thank you! It’s true there is not much yet, I just decided to post so that people can get to know the game.


Very intrigued with this can’t wait to see what will happen


have qusition tough if it not spoiler to much , how you plan being evil ? always like storys where you can be evil just wonder how far you can go being evil ?


It’s certainly going to be hard, but as it stands, I’m already writing FOUR DIFFERENT VERSIONS of chapter 1 because of different races the player can be.

So, I will do my best to go a good way. Like, you can turn against Earth, just be an arsehole, be some kind of tyrant warlord conqueror, the works.


Look I enjoy the story and the game was chef kiss but there is a bug when we choose the human species when we get reborn loading without stop and


It is fixed. It was just a dumb mistake on my part :sneezing_face:



Never would I thought I see the day for a iskeai game


Saves went bad.


Fixed. Sorry about that, I forgot to change it back after playtesting.


Is it supposed to end at the knight killing mc after the dor explosion?? At first i got past it and beat him but the game glitched sent me back at the beginning and the same choices i chose wont get past the explosion now.


Strange. I’ll playtest it and see what happens!

Also, the saves weren’t fixed :skull: :skull: :skull:
I’ll try to fix that somehow


Okay, so I played it, and it was fine. Sounds to me like your HP may have been too low, did you take damage beforehand? He actually autokills you if your HP is too low, so maybe you got the wrong choices. Basically, you take an automatic -30 HP when that happens, and some choices during the fight against the knight make you take damage (or if your stats aren’t high enough, though they should be, I think). Because of that, you may end up dying when the building topples down, or when you make a choice during the combat that ends up with you losing HP.

If that’s not the problem, can you explain in better detail to me?


I had a fun time reading this story and the weirdest thing I pictured myself as a tank driver experiencing this* I tell my for comrades in the Abrams tank to aim for the bloke with a magical fire abilities I don’t want to be cooked alive in my metal tank so we hit him with a fucking Good Old Shell to the face taking maybe four or five of his buddies by the blast but the most ugliest motherfucker shows up and the size of my house and he is bum rushing us at full force we keep on turning a tank and speeding going all the way back the good news is we are good distance away from it bad news is he is he can maybe break the gap between us and 10 minutes so I keep on targeting and my other Buddies get the shell ready and Fire it took two shells just to take it down took two of our major shells to wound it and the one to finish it off watching organs fall off of him and die on the spot there was more we need more…


That’s quite the active imagination :laughing:
I’m happy you liked it.


very interesting, I think the interaction with the gods can be more interesting, but they are great, finally an isekai game :moyai:


I have some difficulty writing interesting interactions between characters, I’m still trying to get it right. But they really wouldn’t get much focus NOW at the prologue, actually. But I will flesh them out more and all in the game, when you are able to pray to them and talk to them. Though I agree the interaction with them could be more interesting, but I’m still trying to figure it out. I’ll probably make changes to the start of the game later on, such as even in the description of their clothes, which I felt was lacking!


Thank you hearing the stories from my family about my grandma she was a drill sergeant she was the most scariest woman alive in my family and my grandpa’s were in the Air Force as air control men and operators to keep the plans going and I always loved the aspect of it but I couldn’t join because of my body having surgery at a young age of a baby the one thing you should always worry about a tank crew is they work together pretty well in the desperate situation allows it that’s why training in militaries were so brutal back then and still hard it’s the help them handle desperate situations and understanding their fucked in a certain situation so the choices a tank crew sometimes picks fight to the death or backs up as much as they can to fight another day or keep on shooting Abrams has the long range that is why they’re built to be Big And Chunky if you use them right they can take down a good a bunch of enemies if you tell them to take down a building or group of soldiers piled up together but hearing how you used a fantasy world with a knight who can take a shotgun blast and a few other things you put into this makes me a person who loves military strategies and tactics and tries to understand military vehicles into a oh God moment so a tank crew would immediately will Target a mage to a normal Soldier Will too because that man can fire fireballs with a hands and he has enough ammunition to last in his lifetime so he’s the first Target archers are the second and then the medieval Royal douchebag are the last because you have to wait for them to get close up and shoot their legs out knights are technically Nobles who got enough money to pay for that armor that is my belief in history books and will always be but the worst nightmare for a tank crew and a fantasy world is flying enemies like dragons and a juggernaut monstrosity that can take as many shots than humanly possible but artillery shells or a good old-fashioned shell from a Bradley tank to German artillery piece that would scare anyone


Pretty cool.