Hello everyone! I am trying to create a smallish kinda game, in which i just try the whole set of different possibilities i can achieve with choicescript.
But unfortunately, i encountered a tiny problem, what do i do with the stats screen.
First of all, i do not want to get deeply involve the stats or their percentage. But, i will be using them as something like - ( if something is > 65 then you will have an appropriate expression or comment or something small) e.g. Samurai of Hyuga.
Then, i wanna make the stat screen something to have a porpoise and have to some degree an effect on your playthru.
And second of all, i dont even know which other stat i should include except strength, wits and diplomacy. Plus, the whole thing to try to increase them seems kinda complex, i canât even explain how.
So, any of you have a suggestion of what or how i should approach this?