Unnamed Victorian Era Game

I’ve said this before and I’m going to say this again. Dollars to doughnuts, none of you are History Ph.Ds or have any specialized knowledge to justify/establish your claims about these times and these peoples. What you think of as “history” was written through the lens of the imperialism/chauvinism/racism/misogyny of the past 150 years; it is couched in political myths. Therefore, arguments about “immersion” and “accuracy” and such nonsense are political arguments, not arguments based in fact. Excluding genders from a game based in a historical time-period is a political decision, not a decision about verisimilitude. (Which is not to say that including genders isn’t also a political act, but recognize that either way you’re making a political decision, not a historical one.)

Actual historians and archaeologists are making discoveries every month that put the lie to these political myths.

And no, we’re not going to re-litigate this here.