Here’s a way to put nice titles into your game without having to make and host individual image files.
Put this:
in your choicescript code to insert a gif image with whatever text you want, in whatever font you want, at whatever size and color. Just replace the parameters to customize.
If you need spaces in your text, put %20 instead. Example:
Complete list of parameters:
- text: The text to put in the image. Put %20 instead of spaces.
- font: Font to use.
- fontsize: The size of the font to use
- color: Color for the text in hex format: 000000 to FFFFFF, or “rnd” (without quotes) for a random color
- bgcolor: Background color. Optional. Defaults to transparent.
- matte: Matte color (set this to the color of the background the image will be on top of)
- shadow: Optional. If present, the text will have a shadow of this color. Put “inv” (without quotes) for inverse of color.
Here’s the list of fonts you can use: Andale_Mono.ttf, andalemo.ttf, arialbd.ttf, arialbi.ttf, Arial_Black.ttf, Arial_Bold_Italic.ttf, Arial_Bold.ttf, Arial_Italic.ttf, ariali.ttf, arial.ttf, Arial.ttf, ariblk.ttf, comicbd.ttf, Comic_Sans_MS_Bold.ttf, Comic_Sans_MS.ttf, comic.ttf, courbd.ttf, courbi.ttf, Courier_New_Bold_Italic.ttf, Courier_New_Bold.ttf, Courier_New_Italic.ttf, Courier_New.ttf, couri.ttf, cour.ttf, Georgia_Bold_Italic.ttf, Georgia_Bold.ttf, georgiab.ttf, Georgia_Italic.ttf, georgiai.ttf, georgia.ttf, Georgia.ttf, georgiaz.ttf, impact.ttf, Impact.ttf, timesbd.ttf, timesbi.ttf, timesi.ttf, Times_New_Roman_Bold_Italic.ttf, Times_New_Roman_Bold.ttf, Times_New_Roman_Italic.ttf, Times_New_Roman.ttf, times.ttf, trebucbd.ttf,
trebucbi.ttf, Trebuchet_MS_Bold_Italic.ttf, Trebuchet_MS_Bold.ttf,
Trebuchet_MS_Italic.ttf, Trebuchet_MS.ttf, trebucit.ttf, trebuc.ttf,
Verdana_Bold_Italic.ttf, Verdana_Bold.ttf, verdanab.ttf, Verdana_Italic.ttf,
verdanai.ttf, verdana.ttf, Verdana.ttf, verdanaz.ttf, webdings.ttf, AguafinaScript-Regular.ttf, Bilbo-Regular.ttf, Bilbo Swash Caps.ttf, Bryana Aningsih Shara.ttf, DorisDay.otf, Engagement-Regular.ttf, Gondola SD - Swash.ttf, Gondola SD.ttf, Honey Script Light.ttf, Honey Script SemiBold.ttf, MervaleScript-Regular.ttf, Montez-Regular.ttf, Norican-Regular.ttf, Sail-Regular.ttf, Tangerine_Bold.ttf, Tangerine_Regular.ttf, Yesteryear-Regular.ttf
If there are spaces in the above font names, replace them with %20 too.
I can add any font you want, but I’d like to only add fonts that are free for commercial use.
Let me know if you use this in your game, and have fun!