@Laguz I plan on implementing an actual stats screen editor in the future, but for right now you can add a new scene to the Project view called “choicescript_stats” -> add a code bubble and type your stats code in it.
How??? I have no idea how to do this. A new scene? A new code bubble? How do I type in the stats, is it just like in normal choicescript? Do I have to connect this to startup somehow?
If you need to know the syntax for stats, a very brief Google search revealed this article:
If you need to know more about Chronicler:
Creating a Chronicler project Tutorial
All tutorials and instructions are referenced on the Chronicler startup page (the one with recent files on the left),
or alternatively, the main post of this forum.
Yeah literally I read both of them but I still don’t get what you’re trying to tell me. I asked for specific instructions.
Thank you! Very helpful!
Anyone else have problems with Chronicler not distinguishing between project text files? I’m working with two different projects. Both of them run just fine aside from the stats screen and I’m working on that. Each has a choicescript_stats.txt in its folder, so that may be causing confusion, though I wasn’t sure if the stats screen would pull up at all if it didn’t have that specific name for it to recognize.
Anyway, the problem seems to be that one project is giving me an error about a non-existent variable, which of course only exists in the other. Do you think renaming them would help?
Edit: I think that may be resolved, but it still does weird things like tell me that it was expecting code that already exists, like percent or text. I look over my code in Notepad++ at the mentioned line and it looks fine. Go figure.
Same! I’m not really sure what causes it.
@Badchoice & @Laguz Hmmm. Does it occur in your web browser (like Firefox) as well or only in the builtin webviewer when you hit play?
I noticed the other day that the builtin viewer sometimes has issues loading choicescript
Also, make sure your projects are in their own separate folders. I might have to add a “clean directory” function to Chronicler so that when you hit play it deletes all the txt files in the MyGame folder before generating the new code that way you don’t have conflicts when play-testing.
Yeah, you’re right! Absolutely right, I made all those mistakes. Thanks.
I haven’t tried running them in a web browser yet, just in the editor
itself. Everything but the stats screen works well on both so far.
Anyone else have problems with Chronicler not distinguishing between project text files? I’m working with two different projects. Both of them run just fine aside from the stats screen and I’m working on that. Each has a choicescript_stats.txt in its folder, so that may be causing confusion, though I wasn’t sure if the stats screen would pull up at all if it didn’t have that specific name for it to recognize.
Anyway, the problem seems to be that one project is giving me an error about a non-existent variable, which of course only exists in the other. Do you think renaming them would help?
Edit: Ah, a kind mod moved / merged topics to suit. Thanks.
Hello Ben,
I have a Mac and would like to help out. Is there a Mac version ready yet?
@hwak Awesome!
Shoot an email to me at benseawalker@yahoo.com and I’ll get you setup on the Slack channel.
Please put “Chronicler Mac” in the title so that my mail can sort it.
I finally got around to writing a manual for Chronicler.
It was actually an assignment for my documentation development class, but we were allowed to pick the topic, so I thought I’d knock out the both the metaphorical birds with the singular stone as the colloquialism goes.
Let me know what you think, and in what ways it can be improved.
Mac version now available!
I’m having an odd problem with the play test option, the first time I play it after opening chronicler it works fine, but after I edit any scene I have to reopen chronicler to see the new version, otherwise it will just play the previous version.
@Loriela Just to be sure, are you hitting the play button every time or just going back to the play tab?
In order for Chronicler to recompile your game you have to press the play button.
yup, I know I can do dumb stuff like that so I checked it just to be sure, I even closed the play tab and then hit play again, but still got the same problem