The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

I would assume at random? I can’t imagine it being like uh “I’m picking the biggest fans!” or something. Randomized would probably be the fairest.

on a totally unrelated note, can we advertise our fanworks in this thread? Or can we only post about it in the fanwork thread?


We have a fan work thread here.


As far as beta testing once the game has been submitted I believe it is a first come, first serve basis, however I could be wrong, but that is my assumption.

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It is possible but it’s up to the author themselves how this handled. Just want to clarify this point though:

The beta testing for Hosted Games are handled by the author themselves not CoG. HG authors need to have public beta test first before submitting the game to be entered in the HG publishing queue. This is just to avoid confusion.


Okay, I think I’ve finally put together a…well, it was supposed to be a short post but it turned into a mini-essay, lol. But I hope it can clarify a couple of things about beta testing and the beta testing process! (◕▽◕✿)

Beta testing is required of a game before it can be submitted to be published (via Hosted Games).

CoG staff has nothing to do with beta testing for WIPs.

Now, when I say WIPs, I mean Works-In-Progress from authors who are intending to publish through Hosted Games, not Choice of Games. Lately, a lot of contracted authors writing for CoG will post small demos or have developer’s diaries on the forum, so I understand why it might be confusing to make that distinction, so here is a good rule of thumb:

  • If the author has a CoG author badge or CoG author under Contract badge, then they’re probably writing a game for Choice of Games.

    • This means that Jason will deal with beta testing for that game. All the information about how to beta test for a CoG game is usually in the first post of any of the threads here: #announcements:choice-of-games-betas
  • If the author does not have either of the badges mentioned above, then they’re more than likely writing a game that they’re intending to publish under Hosted Games.

    • This means that the staff has nothing to do with beta testing for the game, so please don’t email the staff about beta testing for Wayhaven or Fallen Hero or other Hosted Game WIPs.

Because of this hands-off approach, WIP authors like Seraphinite can run beta tests as they wish. Now, what I’m about to describe is just the most common method for WIPs to beta test, but is not the only method to beta test.

  • Usually, a WIP author will post on their WIP thread or on their social media that they’re looking for beta testers.

  • Usually, a WIP author will want testers who can commit a sufficient amount of time to play test the game over and over again for bugs.

    • This can be a few days to a few weeks.
  • Usually, a WIP author will want testers who will go through multiple routes to find as many bugs possible or who can find continuity issues when playing multiple routes, not just people who play once or who will play multiple times but in the exact same way over and over.

  • Usually, WIP author will want beta testers who will not spoil the game.

That said, I've seen authors run their beta tests lots of different ways. (Click here for more info)

Some authors prefer to have all their beta testers come from the forum so they can have all the feedback on one site. Some authors prefer to have all their feedback be done through email. Some authors are willing to have beta testing feedback come from a bunch of different sources.

Some authors post their entire game on the forum and use the feedback in that thread as a beta test. Some authors post only a small demo before selecting a limited number of beta testers to test the full game. Some authors don’t post their game at all, and only put out a call for beta testers.

Some authors will only have a handful of beta testers. Some authors will accept a lot of spots. Some authors will ask you to submit a request and mention what you plan to do in your playthroughs. Some authors will just add you as a beta tester if you express interest and nothing else.

Every single author will have their own way to call for beta testers, their own needs that they want beta testers to address, their own number of beta testers that they want, and their own way of going through the beta testing process.

So! You may be wondering how Seraphinite runs her beta tests. Well, the answer is very simple:

I have no idea! ʅ(°ヮ°)ʃ

I know how she ran her beta testing phase for Book One, but please bear in mind that it was her very first time running a beta test for a game on the forum. I’m sure she learned a lot from it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she changes the way she runs Book Two’s beta test.
Really, there’s no way to know how Seraphinite will run her beta test until it happens, and I would honestly discourage speculation because I also doubt we’ll be waiting a super long time for it anyway. All we need is p a t i e n c e, just like we always do!
And one day soon, we’ll be rewarded for that patience…

...with Book Two! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

[choir noises]


scrolling through the thread
sees a picture
gets curious
reads the line
“Until Book 3…”
Me: “The mad lad…she actually did it…SHE DID IT!!!”


Is there any site i could go to where i could find a more or less accurate drawing, caricature or portrait of the 4 Agents (Nat, Ava, Farah, and most especially Morgan)?
I like the fact that when going through the story a thousand times, i could at least look at their faces or their pictures.
If possible only?


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Sera (author of the series) has a patreon where certain tiers get you unit bravo portraits as a bonus, among other things. You can find it here, check tier descriptions:


Wow, thanks so much Jumo_004.

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I would love to see this Alistair is my favorite romance and I think Felix is more Alistair, but the doll scene I d love to see
"It’s for your protection "
“Playing with dolls is for my protection?”
“I wasn’t playing, i was merely running scenarios”


Is there a wayhaven chronicles discord? If so, does anyone have a link?


There is one, but I can’t remember what it is. @rose-court, @Mewsly, do either of you have the link?

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There’s one but I assume the admins are the only ones who provide the invite link since I can’t see the create invite link button in my discord.

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Last time I checked, there’s something like five or six independent, unofficial discord servers dedicated to the Wayhaven Chronicles. :thinking: @Yev you might be able to find some just by using the search feature on discord. Just know that there’s no official discord for the game, they’re all fan-owned and operated. :slight_smile:


I just got through the first book and it was awesome! I plan on going through routes for all of them.
Also, I have no idea what’s wrong with me, but my first instinct upon seeing Murphy was “Date??? Can I?? Hot?? Date??” Even though I knew he wasn’t and would never be an option asdfghj I think maybe I just generally have a thing for villains


Ohohoho, another fellow Murphy-lover, eh? May I direct you to the Wayhaven Chronicles NSFW thread (link in the OP)? Because, boy oh boy, do I have a fanfic for you, huehuehue.


more than 1 discord :astonished::heart_eyes: I’ve been wishing one that fangirls more than the discord I’m in! Need all the Wayhavens.

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I clicked the NSFW thread link and it said the page doesn’t exist,

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Ah, that would be because you haven’t joined the adult readers group. Provided that you’re 18+ you should be able to join the group and access the NSFW thread then.


Ah, okay. I have now joined! >:3

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