I tend to go for the “treat others how they treat you”
A-being stuck up and trying to take keep control on their terms, I go against them and do things on my own unless I can’t find a logical reason to do otherwise.
N-since they’re nice I treat them nice, with some light teasing.
M-they glare, I glare, they grab my ass, I grab their ass.
F-always trying to have fun, I indulge them while making sure we don’t go too far.
As George Takei would say “Oh My”
Was thinking, do yo think all of UB have cute/psychological quirks left over from their former lives (to include F in Echo world)? Like grandparents who grew up during the war, still stashing away emergency valuables & using every scrap of food unecessarily…? (As I make tea in my empty honey jar to use the last bits. XD )
I remembered wondering if A’s reluctance to shaking hands was due to some plagues & poxes era from their past, for example
Or maybe they thought we’re so weak that they’re worried they’d break our hand.
my mc would be the kind to pretend A did actually bring our hand to see the reaction from everyone
If it did hurt mine would keep straight face and not back down, while internally screaming and going to Vega afterwards.
Or like Eddie Izzard [comedian] said, actually scream out loud then fall down “dead” from hand squeezy death syndrome. Teach them!
The demo only goes to chapter 3? Recently I just checked with Sera and she said there was 6 chapters lol
The demo ends when UB and the MC decide to do an undercover ops.
Sera don’t use chapters so it’s quite hard to pinpoint exactly what chapter it is but that’s the end of Chapter 6.
Those are the 6 chapters. @resuri08 is correct.
This is me posting a request… may I be invited to the thread, please?
It’s a open and free thread. Of course you can join the thread
Oh, I was trying to reply to that part:
If you would like to discuss the NSFW or risque aspects of the series, please post a request to this thread, and someone will invite to the private 18+ thread.
I must’ve clicked on the wrong ‘reply’!
Oh no, my mistake. When you said thread, I’d assume this one, not the 18+ one. I’ll let the others handle that.
That thread is public, in order to access it you need to become part of the adult section on the forum
Thanks! I have no idea how to do that, though! I thought perhaps in settings/preferences/account but I couldn’t find anything… Any chance you could explain the process to me?
Uhhh, I can’t remember how it was at the moment, but I do remember when I joined the forum I was in that group within 5 minutes, so it should be really easy to find!