The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

it had its good moments…funny…sad…

I couldn’t connect with the setting or characters…but it was a good Tv show though . Heck , I even got some good soundtrack from it…there were some lovely songs in there . :relaxed:

omg speaking of GG…this song from it…would fit the LT…so muuuch

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Oh man, @Diman, if you thought that gif I had for Adam was heartbreaking… What about this one for Nate (I imagine in Book One after Murphy takes the MC)…?

I can’t take it when I see a guy cry. It makes me :sob:


Why do you do these things to me :sob:?

I love it haha.

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Speaking of songs, I was on a Disney song marathon yesterday when this came on the playlist; and I kept imagining A as Meg and F as the muses and I couldn’t stop laughing. This fits Ava so much xD


hahahaha ava won’t fall for peer pressure for goddamn sure XD

That’s actually one of my MCs on Adam’s route! :rofl: She’s my most stubborn of ALL my MCs…!

omg…y’know what this remind me of ? lol…of BUFFY! lol Imagine if everyone break in Songs lol cose of a demon…

:rofl: insert here incoherent screaming

It is not wise to notify Buffy of UB because she is a Slayer :wink:

UB? whats that ? ohhhh


no no no lol we arent calling the slayer…to come and kill our Smoochable vampires lol that be baaaaaaaaaaaad for the romantic lol and the Smoochies .

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Adam when he rushes to the MC after dealing with Murphy in Book One…

Oh god… :sob:


lol…I think you are past kleenex now…:sweat_smile:


Just thought of the perfect quote for (a straight male) Adam (but I’m going to be myself and edit it a bit): “Spending an extended [amount of] time in female company can be mentally disorienting and physically confusing.” -Ed, from Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy
(It’s even funnier when Ed says it! :joy:)


Hopefully this means Cara is safe. Because if not… the betrayal of Verda will haunt us all.


What about the sleeping baby tho… :no_mouth:


Lacey will be fine. She must. Only good dreams for her. But, uh, we’ve only met two of Verda’s kids and he has three. So. Who is the last baby Verda and where are they?


I’m slammed with work today and don’t have time to respond about Rebecca yet, but regarding Verda’s kids…

Guys! This is Sera! She’s not going to let anything happen to Verda’s kids! If–and this is a huge if–she wrote it so one of them got ill, you can guarantee they’d be fine in the end. And :angry: on all of you for making me–the worrywart from the pits of hell–be the positive one! Ugh. I need a shower.

On a different note, those of you who are supporting Sera’s Patreon, did you see today’s update??? I’m ready for 12/29 already.


Maybe they were outside? :thinking:

I can’t keep this to myself, I love it simply too much!
I love the name the community gave A: Angst du Mortain.
Because I life in germany and the word “Angst” is actually the german word for “fear”.
It is maybe not the original meaning of this nickname, but I find it fitting. I love it! :joy:


You live in Germany?! Germany is on my list of places to visit before I die. lol Actually, a fair bit of Europe is on my list. I just need to figure out where I want to go first. :joy:

I know!!! I totally gushed in the comments. hahaha

Oh my god, you guys, I found this gif and it got me thinking…
What IF, in a book farther down the line, Bobby tried asking your MCs out again, and your MCs were just like…



You mean Angst Du Morepain :joy:

Oh God, that would be awful. I’m probably one of the few people in here who doesn’t really hate Bobby all that much and my main MC Jonathan, though he resents all that happened, kind of has a hard time letting go of the past.

Especially if it happens during the LT route… I can imagine poor Jon saying ‘Fuck this shit I’m out’ and going into exile forever from the overload of the drama lol.