It just was one of those things that endeared me to F. For the most part, I struggle to relate to characters that are very hyperactive and outgoing, but seeing them take that situation so seriously struck me. They didn’t fully understand it but they wanted to make that pain go away for Kate. Even though F says later on that humans never want to work with them.
But I also wonder how they’d react to similar types of situations in the future. Humans can be hysterical and/or unreasonable.
Man, I can’t wait to meet other Natural Vampires cuz I want to know if they’re all short or if it’s just a weird coincidence that both Murphy and F are both two of the shortest characters.
@resuri08 That boy can do any accent, now I can’t unimagine Adam constantly switching accents so that no one would know his origin, either that or to hide his brummie accent (no offence to anyone from Birmingham)
So we know that M doesn’t sit down because M is never really feeling comfortable or settled in places; M is always just ready to leave when needed.
But I just noticed another weird quirk of M, he doesn’t like - or more likely, doesn’t bother - to knock on doors either.
First time: When the detective was pining over M in her room, and M simply walks inside without knocking (whereas all the others knocked).
Second time: At the hospital, when M (astonishingly) offered to debrief the MC, M (again, unlike all the others) doesn’t knock and simply swings open the door and steps inside.
I wonder where that bad habit comes from?? Is it just because of his rudeness.
Like the MC says, they could have been getting undressed (not that M would mind stumbling into that at all).
Any other quirks anyone else notices about UB?
EDIT: A always standing by the window, F sprawling on chairs, and N standing with his hands in his pockets has been mentioned.
Found this ask and it reminded me - those who like Mason and haven’t tried Sera’s Crossroads should totally try it; I have a strong feeling you’ll fall just as hard for Lucan (who is really smooth). It’s also rather nice to compare/contrast them both.
Oh, hey guys I’m back from the beach! I hope you all came up with fun scenarios and questio----
My thoughts:
A- I think they’d make the biggest and tallest in the history of the beach bc of course they would—large enough for even Nate to stand in without issue
N- a modestly sized sand castle but with the most i m m a c u l a t e French Rococo embellishments
F- they build the Classic Sandcastle™ with turrets and maybe even a moat and a seaweed-driftwood draw bridge…they also probably built it too close to the shore and it gets destroyed minutes before the final judging starts
M- … a sand penis (they are immediately disqualified from the competition)