F is such a sweetie, though. I think they’re my second favorite, especially after the house conversation when they talk about having a place of their own. I think the long game for that route is going to be super cute.
F is great! I really like them as a friend, and I find their character interesting; but they just don’t hit the same escapism notches as A and M… probably because I normally go for their type irl. That said, I’m really looking forward to finding out more about them, and I feel a little bad every time I rank them in third place. I’m so sorry F but someone has to be third.
I love dogs (animals, in general, really), so I agree that it’s the best N scene period. The only way he can outdo it is if he rescues a bunch of puppies or a lost wolf cub or something. It was utterly adorable.
The height thing is what got me to try N’s route the first time. Three of my detectives are short like me (5’2" ish), and sticking one of them with a really tall guy was too tempting. Alexa, the one who ended up with Nate, is a little taller, at least (5’4"ish) so she isn’t quite as midget looking next to him, lol.
Dezh (M) can never do normal again without being bored out of her skull… probably because she spends most of her time bored out of her skull, anyway. She wanted to join the marines (not the army) and even that choice was because she recognized her own impulsive and danger-seeking tendencies (not to mention delinquency). A murder in Wayhaven kinda perked her up, though she did feel bad about it because that shouldn’t have happened on her watch. She is an adrenaline junkie, though, so she was all over it (and resented UB, at first, for showing up and A behaving as though she should obey him).
Alexa (N) could go back to normal if that’s what happened. She gets the job done, even if the job is rescuing a kitten out of a tree. As far as she’s concerned, getting excited over work is pointless, since the job is what it is (which was why she was so ‘meh, whatever’ about supernaturals: “Yeah? So? Am I supposed to be surprised?”). The coolest thing about them to her was that they were stronger and faster than humans, which made her want to try to compete, lol. She is a softy with people, though, so talking to family members about murders tears her up, since it makes her feel like she failed in protecting everyone (which she sees as her job).
Nyx (A) wouldn’t like going back to ‘normal’ either. She doesn’t get bored, per se, and isn’t an adrenaline junkie like Dezh, but she likes challenges in her work. Like Alexa, she believes it’s her job to protect the town, but she’s nearly as bad about wanting to deal with people as Dezh is: “Ugh, I have to talk to this kid’s mother again? Where’s Tina? I can’t deal with all this emotional crap!” So if life went back to semi-normal, she’d probably move to a bigger city. Now that she’s seen what is out there to protect people from, dealing with misdemeanors would feel like a waste of her talents.
Jax (F) is different from the rest. She doesn’t get bored at all, and entertains herself (and everyone else) by being witty and, basically, happy. So she’d deal with normalcy okay. She is the type to get antsy after a while, though, and start looking for a new job (she wanted the position as detective because she’d been an officer for too long and needed a change).
Jax pepper sprayed A. Everyone else pretty much shoots him. They did warn him, after all, and only a moron moves when a cop has a gun pointed at them and has warned them not to move. That wasn’t not A’s brightest moment. Most of my detectives apologized for it and said they hoped it didn’t hurt too much, though, lol.
I would love to join that club, if you’ll have me! I just can’t stand the thought of the triangle, lol.
Same. I really find F interesting and fun to be with but I really found him to more like a younger brother. XD That’s why when I was doing their route, I felt more of a third person watching in rather than enjoying their route in my point of view.
It just so weird having a MC having the same name with another. We need to look for ways to distinguish each other
I notice! XD Don’t worry though… We are not underestimating F in the romance department and I am curious how their route will go as well. XD
Lol. Good point. Mine can go by Wolfe, really. She never liked her name, anyway! Or maybe I’ll go with Lex for her.
I’m curious about F’s romance, too. I think he’ll be fun!
Just like F!
Here lies my sacrilege. Some of you might deny my very existence, but i must confess! Do not expand it if you don’t want to look at the monster i am deep inside!
My sacrilege
I dislike N’s scene with the dog A LOT. Making kissy faces at the dog is something i don’t like at all.
I can’t believe you were actually -insert your least favorite pizza topping here- Pizza all this time…
Please! We can still be friends!!!
I don’t know what to say. I just don’t like it…but don’t let these things come between us!
We’ll work through this… somehow
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
Grabs pitchfork
First you stole Charlotte from me and now you can’t appreciate an ancient vampire being so overcome by a puppers cuteness that they had to make kissy faces at them.
I… This is going to be hard to work through, Pizza…
While F isn’t my favourite romance (NGL, I’m A-trash), they’re very much second. I like F better than N or M by a wide margin. N is also my least favourite romance. I like N as a friend who’s all pom-pom-waving cheerleader for A-romance or awkward-momming F for the F romance or frowning worriedly for the M romance, but I just … I just don’t like romancing them. I have a character for them, and I love the character (I’ve also overhauled most of my detectives, but shhh, I don’t have a problem, you have a problem), but N just … look, the story’s cute, and N is a great character, but they’re not my cup of tea. A > F >> M >>> N
@Pizza_is_good Love the Sweetwell/Suavewell , that’s cute.
my A romance is 5’1" to Adam’s 6’1"
@SirEdmund Your statement re. police shootings and the inability to disassociate them IG is very, very fair and has affected how I play, as well.
I didn’t dislike it, but ngl, I didn’t care one way or the other about it, either. <.< Sorry, guys. I love puppies like crazy (and pretty much every other animal except bugs), but it’s…not a scene that had a meaningful impact for me.
Guuuuuys… If the F romance you can be the tall one!!
Honestly kinda the same. I do like that they like dogs though.
@Mewsly Unless you’re shorter/the same size!
…My F romancer is 5’9. So…but still.
You totally can! XD My F romance (the new one b/c I’m trash and redid them all) is 5’10" to Farah’s 5’4", so not a huge difference, but.
NGL. I enjoy being the short one in the relationship.
Rin is about 5’10/5’11 so not a huge difference over Felix but its enough that it makes me happy!