The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

Okay, I could accept that lol

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Well… there’s @Emzan MC, Detective Horse… everything is falling into place :0c


All right, all right, a unicorn. But I’d still like for him to be ageless.

Just imagine, your unicorn father could tell you stories of how he drank fine wine with Pontius Pilate, while discussing the nature of equidae struggle in the cold and unforgiving human world on prefect’s grand balcony.
Ah, what a fantastic read that would be!


Did he also partake in the great Australian Emu war?


He doesn’t talk about that. He still gets nightmares about emus.


So, I was going through the like 500 pictures I saved last night from various areas on the internet. And like the last two I posted. This one reminded me of Nat. I can see her looking similar to this.

Warning, the following picture contains an attractive lady in a swimsuit. You have been warned!

Cannot be held accountable for nose bleeds.


OH god unicorn dad. XD
Though in all seriousness there have been fantasy novels who have given creatures such as unicorns and Dragons the ability to shapeshift to a human form through a magical mastery of their own.

An example of such is Dragon Bait by Vivian V. Where it’s a dragon and not a unicorn but you get the idea how it COULD work.

Just my two cents again~


Unicorns can shape shift?


I really like where this conversation is going.
Sera is gonna have a field day reading this


I still can’t get over the fact that unicorns of all supernatural creatures can shapeshift. How come I never heard about this until now?

It’s magic. Ain’t gotta explain anything!

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Dragons, I can believe that. But unicorns?


As long as they aren’t Dragons from Shadowrun. Those guys are jerks. Except Dunkelzahn.


I’m gone for eight hours and I come back to nearly 200 more posts.

Damn this fandom is thirsty.

Lemme just address everything that has been discussed because I do have opinions on these matters:

  • The fuck, y’all

  • Just go to the damn bathroom, y’all uncultured swine!

    • jk jk jk, it has nothing to do with culture and more just personal preference but…jesus, think of poor M, they already get headaches just entering a cheery bedroom apartment, we don’t wanna suffocate 'em in just a week, like
  • Also, I do agree with the suggestion someone made hundreds and hundreds of posts ago about how M probably smokes to dull their senses. If a vampire’s brain psychology is anything like a human, then they would definitely also experience olfactory fatigue, aka the reason why other people’s houses have a smell to them but yours don’t.

    • In essence, the body becomes desensitized to stimuli to prevent the overloading of the nervous system, thus allowing it to respond to new stimuli that are ‘out of the ordinary’.
    • Especially since there are such things as human-born vampires, and that A, N, and M are some of them then it can be assumed that most psychological phenomena that affect humans can affect some (if not all) vampires.
Period blood
  • Especially in America, knowledge about the female reproductive system is…abhorrent so I hope I can at least learn y’all some things, perhaps
    • Menstruation happens to any uterus-having person of the human species who still has eggs that can be fertilized
      • It is the function by which the uterus expels endometrial tissue
        • Endometrial tissue is substance that lines the uterus that a fertilized egg will adhere to so they can begin development into a foetus and beyond, if everything goes well
  • The blood in your veins at any given moment is an eclectic mix of newly created blood that’s straight outta the marrow, or even old-timey blood that has been with you for over a week. As a result, unless it’s taken directly from your bone marrow (ouch!), there’s no such thing as “fresh” blood that’s running through your veins
    • Blood platelets only live about 8-9 days, and your body is constantly creating a fresh supply. Were I to guess, I’d say that something about vampires keeps their bone marrow from creating new blood, thus necessitating the need to acquire blood from other individuals
      • of course, I could be wrong
  • As a result period blood is neither “fresh” nor “dead” blood, because:
    1. It contains just as much an eclectic mix of new and old blood platelets as any other sampling of blood, and you wouldn’t call the blood seeping out of a paper cut to be “dead”
      • It’s certainly dying, because it’s escaped the body and no longer has a use, but nothing about it being in period blood makes it dead
    2. It’s not just blood, it certainly looks like blood, but it’s actually a mix of blood, mucous, and the aforementioned endometrial tissue
  • Thus, my speculation is that while U!B may have trouble being around a menstruating Detective especially N, the scent could potentially be dampened by the mucous and endometrial tissue being expelled as well
    • Also, I’m sure the floral scents from the pads or tampons would also mess with the scent of the present blood


  • They’re basically like squirrels in Rick and Morty. They planned everything out since the dawn of their species, and pretend they don’t exist or are silly little frolicking creatures so as to lower the guard of all the species they secretly control



Damn, that’s some real Catherine the Great thing that Rebecca might be going on with our Unicorn-Pops.

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Can’t really say I’m thirsty. I feel kind of guilty that this is the thread I’m most active in but I can’t help but say that I absolutely adored this story therefore I keep this thread open all day and read the responses as I go about my normal day to day business. And reply when I see something I find interesting.

I hate to say it, but I wholeheartedly loved this book more than anything else I’ve read from COG or HG.
Samurai of Hyuga is a close second tbqh.


Okay, so, as amazing as Dad being an immortal, shapeshifting unicorn would be… consider them being just a normal dude.

Like just a stereotypical dad type who tells bad jokes, cares about his lawn, wears socks with sandals, embrasses the MC in front of UB, and tries to give the RO the shovel talk (oh god, especially with M or A).

A: What do you see in that man, Agent?
Rebecca: My job and life was so weird that he was… refreshing.
Dad: Let me tell you of the story where MC was scared of the animals at the petting zoo! Oh they wouldn’t stop crying!
F: Tell me more!


Rebecca apparently took lessons from the Mr.Hands School of learning as well.

@Mewsly that’s most likely since the blood is just evolution against the supernaturals


But Rebecca raised us as a single momma, we didn’t have a dad raising us, so any story Socks-and-Sandaddy would tell would be goddamn lies!!! Lies and blasphemy!!!1


I mean that depends on the author and lore. LIke if the unicorn is sentiant and magic, then yeah but again depends on the author and how they want to fangle the magic thing.

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