The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2


I would love to meet more agents and see how different they are from Bravo.


You’re in luck. We will get to meet other units in Book Two. Sera did confirmed that there is a Unit Alpha and there seems to be rivalry going on between two units.


i’m not so sure i want to know the answer, though. might make me not want to play the LT route even more :sweat_smile:

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Oh, that’s awesome! I can’t wait to see how it plays out. :smiley:

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Yes, sorry. I apologize for having double posted… I forgot that the first post was already pending, I thought it wasn’t posted so I tried posting another then I saw the same message again, saying “You have 2 posts pending”.
I already deleted the second post.

Again, sorry for that.

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I think it would be nice to get them a fidget cube. Something discreet in case they run out of cigarettes or can’t light up or something like that. Or earplug/noise canceling headphones. Also a coat or something–or, you know those hot hand things? Those would be good for them.


Oooh! Maybe in one of the books, if it’s around Christmas (and/or maybe on their birthdays throughout the series) the MC can get them gifts! Like, the MC can ask the other members of UB for advice on what to get each person. That’d be cool! :grin:

And then around the same holiday (or the MC’s b-day), their RI (or RIs - if you’re doing the Love Triangle route) can do something special for the MC, too! :heart:


Go on a dinner date.

N makes a romantic dinner and sets everything up themselves. Because they’re N. Everything goes perfectly.

F takes us out to a movie and then a romantic candle lit dinner at a small diner they found. F spends the whole time staring at the detective.

M proposes dinner in the bath, only to be shut down and begrudgingly have a romantic dinner which they totally didn’t enjoy. Really.

A sets up a perfectly balanced dinner to keep the detective healthy. They have to make sure the detective is feeling well after all they’ve been through, after all.


I’m thinking about some sort of sleepover at anybody’s house, preferably the chosen RO…

Ava/Adam may have their house designed in a subtle way, not much color but not too dim.

F and N’s houses may seem a bit more “cheerful” than A.

M’s house, however, should be a little dim or dark; because she appreciated it a lot when I chose my house to be a bit dark, but F disapproved.


Friend. Dates. Friend dates! :smiley: Cookin’ with N, Shopin’ with F, Walkin’ and snarkin’ at M, Getting coffee with A before heading to the office.

I’d also like to invite UB over for dinner or something, though I doubt M would be thrilled.
You know what, just give me more full team+ MC interactions. :relaxed:
(Also still really want a carnival.)


Well, fuck. There goes my fantasy of riding off into the sunset with Nat.


I know it sounds corny and dumb but I’d give N a little chocolate (like a Hershey’s Kiss) every day to show her how sweet she is. (If her sweetness is going to give me diabetes I might as well give her diabetes back)


Damnit now me and N can’t be like Geralt and Yennifer. And do things. On the unicorn.


Charlotte would do that too!!! :smiley:

:sparkles: Sweetie Pie MCs unite!!! :sparkles:

@JaymesBond001 Don’t sweat it, I just didn’t know if you’d seen. :slight_smile:

Yeeeeeeeees. I want this desperately.

Also, a tangentially related ask that Sera answered:

And even if things didn’t go perfectly, N is the type to be alright with that so long as the MC was spending time with them.

The rest of your scenarios are absolute gold, tho!!

F spends the whole time staring at the detective.


I second this!

I love the idea of hanging out with the team in a platonic fashion! :smiley:

I am d e s p e r a t e for this, you have no idea…

YES. PLEASE :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Charlotte criticizing Unit B:

“You’re my friends and I love you, but you’re terrible, you’re all terrible.”

Charlotte when someone else criticizes Unit B:



So kinda like this?

(ʘ‿ʘ✿) ”What you say ’bout my sons?”
(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿”Hold my flower”
(✿\(。-_-。) )


Greetings everyone, I don’t usually comment on the forums all that often but I had to stop by to share my thoughts on this amazing story. Even though the story uses familiar concepts it’s what the author does with them that really matters. The world this book has created is quite intriguing and I can’t wait to see how our relationships will develop with all of the characters we’ve interacted with so far. Like many others here I am very excited to see what lies in store for us in the next installment, based on what I’ve seen in the first book I have no doubt that it will be great!

I really enjoy playing through stories where our character doesn’t have any real superpowers to speak of and has to outsmart their enemies while also relying more on their allies for support. I find that it’s more fun for our hero to exploit an enemies weakness rather that just being able to power through every problem with brute force. It sort of reminds me of Community College Hero in that way, of course this story plays differently that than one. Not every hero needs some incredible power or fancy gadget in order to make a good story!

Since this is ultimately a tale of romance it’s main focus is on the characters. First impressions are important so here are some thoughts I have on the romance options so far:

Nat is truly a treasure and my personal favorite of the four. She is kind not only to you but to pretty much everyone, she doesn’t look down on anyone for being human or letting their emotions get the better of them. She also always takes you seriously as a detective, even from the beginning. Always listening to what you have to say, never doubting your abilities and even encouraging you whenever you feel down. She definitely feels more grounded in reality than the others meaning I can take everything she says seriously as well. The only problem I have with her personality is that she is too good for someone like me, this dark supernatural world doesn’t deserve someone like Nat.

The scene in the lab where Nat really starts to toy with the detective by showing a sort of sultry side of herself is too good for words but we also learn that she can’t use a computer to save her life. Nat’s role in the unit is apparently research but that seems like it would be difficult for her considering all the trouble she has with technology. Does she do all of her research through books and the like? I can’t imagine that is a particularly efficient prossess but I can imagine that she would be the only one to actually have their own library card.

Ava is one who I didn’t quite like at first but eventually tried to see things from her perspective after a while. I can understand how she views this a mission and not really seeing how her whole team needs to be deployed as bodyguards. However there is a difference between reluctantly doing your duty and being openly confrontational to the point where you risk your mission just to prove a point. Eventually even she sees that and slowly starts to come around into being more accepting of their situation. This takes a while though and I can understand why some would want to avoid interacting with her in favor of others when given the option. I can definitely see her as becoming
a sort of stern but fair character.

Also the part just after the reveal where they are talking about what vampires are actually like has my favorite moment in the whole book. “How do you feel about garlic?” “I actually quite like it!” Not even Ava could keep a straight face after the detective started talking about vampires enjoying a nice Bolognese! Outstanding work with that line, it will definitely be one I will remember as I continue through these books.

Farah is one that I’m still kind of unsure about, I like her but I can’t really tell what exactly I like about her, I suppose every team needs their comic relief character. She is fun to have around most of the time but I’m sort of unsure on what she really does in the unit. After playing though her story it seems like she’s not confident in here fighting abilities and she’s not exactly smart either but she is good at running so there’s that at least! I mean you have to have some special skill to be an agent right? It’s not really a bad thing but it feels like she’s kind of a rookie on this “elite” team. Maybe original vampires are special in a way we don’t know about yet, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Morgan, the black sheep of the group, the rebellious teen stuck in an adults body. Messy hair, biker jacket, smoking constantly, complains whenever they actually have to do work, way too edgy to follow the rules…Seriously she smokes inside my office and my apartment, possibly my car too! Once that smell gets into the walls it doesn’t go away and then those black stains start to form… Just a problem I really don’t want to deal with when fighting supernatural forces…but I suppose there had to be one. I will never understand the love for edginess but I know that some people really like that kind of stuff. She is about as far from my type as possible but at least she keeps to herself most of the time so that’s good.

It is just a thought but I remember seeing that Morgan has the strongest sense of smell out of all of them, like when she refused to go into Murphy’s lab because of the smell. However despite this she is always smoking cigarettes which smell awful around the other vampires who also have enhanced senses. Yet they’re all completely fine with, not even an offhand comment about the stench? Can her nose really be that great if she walks around smelling like an old timey casino?..or are they all just so amazing that cigarette smoke doesn’t effect them in the slightest? I am genuinely curious.


The reason Morgan/Mason smoke so much is because nicotine dulls your senses (at least that’s the reasoning Sera had when she created the character), and they use it as a way to control their super-ultra-mega-heightened super senses.


That would be a fair point if it were just Morgan by herself but she is pretty much always in the same room as everyone else and they are all breathing the same air. Even when she is not smoking the smell lingers in the air as she refuses to go outside, so do all of their senses get dulled by this? I’d like to have at least one member ready for anything at all times. We’d also have to consider the detective’s health as well, we can assume that vampires are immune to the negative side effects of cigarettes but humans certainly are not. I know it’s kind of dark bringing realistic things into a fantasy game but it is something to think about.


Those are all good points, but what I said is the canon explanation:

I’m not entirely sure if the game would go deep enough to address any of the points you brought up though. :thinking: At some level, you kind of have to let go of logic and let it be :sparkles: Magic :sparkles:


I think the nicotine from the direct inhalation dull the senses not the smoke itself from what I understand.

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