I think if the ROs have an issue with the Murphy-blood in the MC it’ll be more a concern or like, moral thing than based on the smell/taste. Unless I’m misremembering or misunderstood, when the MC was bleeding out towards the end of the final fight the team was drawn to/tempted by the blood smell, not disgusted. My guess is that even if normally a vampire could claim/taint their victim, the strengthening aspects of the MC’s blood are a stronger temptation than whatever deterrent might be there–and I mean that about supernaturals in general that would want it, not just Unit Bravo.
Pssst, we actually have a dedicated fanworks thread now!
I’d post it there so it doesn’t get buried.
Oooooh thank you! I’m gonna remove that post then
Oh that’s would stink!! Especially with all the headaches the MC gets in the book and is sure to get in the future!
And @HomingPidgeon you make a good point. Still, it’s just kinda gross lol. I do kind of hope Murphy comes back in other books, he’s a pretty good villain, and not just for the MC but for every member of UB.
Just chiming in really quick before I’m unavailable for a few hours.
I thought M didn’t enter Murphy’s office because of the scent of disinfectant?
Would the MC’s perfume/cologne, shampoo, lotion (if they wear any), deodorant, or hell, even makeup give M headaches? EDIT: Or would M get used to it over time because of how familiar they’re getting with the MC!!!
I don’t remember M’s issue but that does sound right–I know when the MC first visits the scent of disinfectant covers them up from Murphy until they cut on the beaker, but when they’re walking up I think A does comment that it’s the smell of Murphy specifically. I stand by that I don’t think his smell would be a thing lingering on the detective but I do think it’s something that still bothers the vamps while he’s around.
I’m pretty sure it was Murphy’s smell. Iirc M says something about it “reeking of him.”
And, for real, I have thought about that a LOT. But also about an MC changing over to scentless things to make it easier for them our of love and/or respect and M being touched but wouldn’t show it cuz they’re a grump
Ha…haaha… 0? I haven’t felt the need to have it on my MC.
XD Don’t worry. Not all people want Combat on their MCs.
Just follow what @Hannah_Minger suggest based from your stats. =)
I actually more got the impression that M’s aversion to the lab was less to do with Murphy’s smell and more to do with all the chemicals, cleaners, and other lab-related things in there, and the potency of those smells.
EDIT FOR CLARITY: While Murphy’s scent is mentioned with distaste (by A, at the very least, and I THINK also by M? but I can’t remember for sure), it seems to me, since M is the only one who can’t go in, M is established to have extreme senses, and the scent of the lab is potent enough that Murphy literally cannot smell you over it and doesn’t figure out who you are immediately - not until his pheromones don’t work - that it makes more sense for it to have been the lab scents that inhibited them from going in.
Thank you for the link! I had just gotten the game transferred with the help of the CoG customer service to have a look ‘behind the scenes’. And was about to find out how the fiddlestick I could get to the code but now I have got your wondrous link!
Are we allowed to share the code to the public? I know we could use the code for private use but sharing the link to the public, will that be allowed?
I don’t think you can see the code for anything past the demo, so it should be alright.
If you haven’t got the game on your CoG account, you mean, right?
If you don’t have the game unlocked on your account, you shouldn’t be able to see the code for anything past the demo, I think.
Checked the link and found that it was indeed up to the demo. Thanks for disuading my fears. XS
I can’t speak for what makes more sense (well, I could, but I’m not as interested in that), but the only thing mentioned in the text is Murphy’s scent. Both A and M comment on it, though M with markedly more distaste (as per form). From the way M’s exchange with N is phrased it sounds like Murphy’s lingering scent is the main reason M’s staying outside, though this could simply be one part of a combination of murphy’s scent + hospital smells + whatever got broken and spilled all over the floor of the lab
The dialogue in question
What M has to say about it:
“It reeks of him,” ${mason} says, nose wrinkled in disgust. $!{m_his} hand seems to fall instinctively to ${m_his} pocket to draw out a cigarette. But one disappointed look from ${nate}, and ${mason} rolls ${m_his} eyes and decides against it.
“Do you want to wait out here?” ${nate} asks, concern the only thing in ${n_his} tone now. “It may be worse inside.”
${mason} nods. “Thanks.”
And what A says
${adam}'s nose wrinkles, and ${a_his} lips turn down the closer we get to the technician’s lab. I can’t tell whether it’s from the clinical smell or if ${a_she}'s just offended at life in general.
“Here we are,” I say as we reach the door to the lab. The sign still hangs askew and still says the wrong name.
“Yes,” ${adam} says, shoulders tensing. “I can smell his lingering scent.”
oh this makes sense, I always chose to go on orz
I’ll try again with these suggestions lol
Of my four Detective, I think at least two have been bitten by Murphy… Surely poor Hanna (Nate was almost having a heart attack, poor guy, and Murphy run away, too) and I guess Erika (RO Felix). I actually can’t remember Andrea (RO Mason). Jade was a beast and from the first time I played was able to both dodge Murphy (first run) and actually attack him (all other run). In the love triangle she was the one to plunge the needle in the BigBad (like…let’s kill the damsell in distress thing I love my bad ass girl!) while I usually “just” have her hurt Murphy to get Adam give the DMB dose to the guy.
I however loved how, no metter the result in the fights, we get to see the RO worried for the MC… or the other way around. Is actually one thing that most videogames with romance (like ME and DA) feel lacking to me…
I really hope there are other scene like these in the next books I know I’m being cruel to UB, but is the kind of angst that I really like
As @rose-court said, you can’t get past the demo unless you own the game on the website. If you try to see the code past Chapter Seven, the site block you until you bought the game on the CoG website. I actually figured out how to see the code because another author had posted theirs, and I just changed parts of the link to see Wayhaven’s so I assume it’s not against the rules. But if a mod or @Seraphinite ask, I’ll take it back down.