The Shadow Society (WIP) Writing Update on #1545

(Copied from my tumblr)

A Small Announcement

Hi everyone~

I’m happy to tell you that I’ve decided to add chapter five of “The Shadow Society” to the extended demo! (EDIT: Though it’s not done yet! Just wanted to add that in to avoid confusion :sweat_smile:)

This chapter is quite long, and includes two branches depending on your choice to escape or stay in the demo, so it will take some time to finish. This is partly the reason why I’ve decided to release this chapter as well; I don’t want to go too long without giving out new content :slight_smile:

I’m unsure if chapter six is going to be added to the extended demo, or if chapter five will be the last update, though; it entirely depends on where I’m at in the story.

I hope you’ll enjoy it when it’s released! ^^


And suddenly the hype intensifies.


“Small”??? <.<

I think not.

This is awesome! From what I’ve seen on other WiPs, it takes a lot of time/effort to code branches into a story, so I’m super excited to read/play all your hard work. Best wishes to you (life-wise and writing-wise)! :smile:


I already used things like a pen tube and a piece of the that spiral thingy i took from my notebook and a toy sword( ithink it was a rapier or a staff) sooo :upside_down_face:

you’re saying…? :confused:
there is nothing more important than snuggles

hugs tighter :smirk:

face => :slightly_frowning_face:



YAY :hugs: :ok_man:t2:…wait, is this a challenge :smirk:

Calm and comfy :triumph: :+1:

they ( ಠ益ಠ)ノ ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

me ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴

i think i got it
and i agree


A’s remark,in my mind." How could you drive? You cannot even dress yourself properly."

i can immGINE all of them doing it, for different reasons.




Thank you for the hard work! I am looking forward to trying it out very soon. I have work…


@resuri08 Oh no, it’s not released yet! I’m going to add it to the demo when it’s finished, sorry for the confusion ^^;


It’s okay. I may have misread your post. :rofl: So that’s why no one posted about their thoughts on Chapter 5. :thinking:


@Baam Thanks, I hope it lives up to your expectations :blush:

@lacunafiction lmao it didn’t feel huge to me, maybe because I’ve been leaning towards it for so long already? :laughing: anywho, it makes me really happy that you’re excited for it! The story will only branch to a certain point, though (thank god!!); they’ll probably come together again in Chapter 6 or 7 at the very least :blush:

@Hearts Oof did it work? That sounds risky… And painful D:

and lmao different priorities for different people, y’know

Glad to see you’re happy about the upcoming chapter! :smile:

@resuri08 I can see how it could easily be read like that, so I added a clarification to it, since my first sentence was a bit misleading, I think :sweat_smile:


I want to say something meaningful and articulate, but all I can think is “EEEEEEEEEEE!!!” :heart_eyes:


Wow… M looks awesome :heart_eyes:

So i am guessing in chapter five , the teams is going to separate into two for separate adventure before meeting again? I am leaning towards following M and R since they only have 2 persons , and looks like the weakest pair … they obviously need my help more :grin: but at the same time, Quarie seems to be the one whose feeling grow towards me ( as explained she is the most sensitive) … the ride with her already produce some intimacy moment, quite a dilemma about which vehicle to join :thinking: I do feel like getting out of the car to walk is more adventurous …

I hope flirty MC will get a big slap in the face or his/her hair being pull out by the RO he/she anger … that’s the only way to show how our ROs frustrate with us :smile:


I hate love triangles (the angst is too painful ;-; ) but I love seeing jealousy scenes :joy: I really want to go for a M/Q jealousy scene - since they’re the first ones who made a big impression on me - and I don’t know why I’m gonna put myself (and them!) through that torture :grimacing: They both seem like sweethearts and I’m probably going to regret the jealousy scene after… :’’)


Entirely true! And yet, I can’t blame R for hesitating or appreciate them enough for choosing to spare the civilians, aha. I’m probably worse because I’d choose that option over and over again in any playthrough :joy::sweat_smile: My MC would take on the danger every time as long as she can protect her friends/RO in the process (there’s a reason she’s fictional am I right? XD)


M is too attractive for their own good, help >_< I love the top, middle panel too: “I wish my life had background music so I could figure out what the hell is going on” it’s so fitting :joy:


If that was a small announcement, I can’t wait to see a medium one, let alone a big one! :scream:


Yey, a little more alone time (or jealousy time; quite a few people seem to eagerly await them^^) to experience with the RO(s) of choice. I’m so pumped!
I’m thinking we will get some information about wtf is going on in the Shadow World, too^^
At least more insight in why our lovely band is called “the Insurgents”, thats my prediction anyway…

Can’t speak for everyone, but I’d say the hype was pretty high up there to begin with :wink:

Hmm, I’m not sure. I think, no matter with whom you ride, if you flee the car and meet the shadowman, it’s always your RO which comes to your aid. Don’t know who helps, if you romance no one, though… But then you also have the differences in the paths in which you stay in the car, as you mentioned. In both you can drive through the shadows or get out of the car… So there would be 2 different ending scenarios for both, going with M and R, as well as A, Q and G:
Firstly: Stay in the car and kill the innocents by driving though them or secondly stay in the car and, instead of killing them, walk.
The third one would be to flee in either constellation, I imagine. Although Carawen said the branching would be between fleeing the car of staying, IIRC :thinking:

Hmm, much to consider… Next time G should just build a minivan instead, so the whole group can drive together. Problem solved :smiley:

That’s what I’m thinking, too…

Yes, the quote is pure gold :smiley:

But I wonder, what the center one should depict… Compared to the other aesthetic boards (A and R got a mansion and G a globe split in light and shadow), I see no connection. Before I thought about the center part as depicting the “home” of the character in a way(especially, since the picture of A and R are the same and they a siblings). But the Slenderman forest(looks like it I think) with Slenderman in it, is no good home :smiley:
Hmm, I guess there is a good chance, that I’m searching connections, where are none… But still got anyone an idea what the center one is supposed to depict?

And M using a gun? Because they are the only one with no power in the group?

Big One: “Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know, that I actually just finished the whole trilogy… Oh and it’s going to be released tomorrow…” :smiley:


• gets heart attack and dies • :scream::dizzy_face:


No there ar more of us waiting for the next chapter, I actually cannot wait for the end

I was thinking it might represent his belief in the supernatural, but now that you’re comparing it to the others’ more home-like panels…I don’t know, ahhhh

:joy: I didn’t seem them as the gun-wielding type, so I was surprised to see that, haha.Their idea of defense/a prank was catching and throwing things at A anyways, so :joy: Now I’m wondering if a gun would have any effect on shadows (and if it would be different in their human forms)? :thinking: Then again, the car scene shows it’s possible, but those were civilians…


Hmmm…was thinking , isn’t that the two groups was separated during the chase? If i follow R’s car, and romancing Quarie… curious to see how Quarie could find and rescue me ? :grin: by the way, was the scene when we chose who we want to interact before the chase determine our RO ? :thinking:
Well…i will most likely choose to walk, because when i reflect the whole situation to myself, what IF i am one of those innocent people one day, in another story’s universe … and the protagonist of that story choose to hit and run me over ?? I am sure that protagonist has his/her reason to sacrifice me, but if i survive the hit and run, i am sure going to make that protagonist becomes an Antagonist in that story :wink:
For that reason, i want to avoid killing any innocent people because i don’t want any nemesis find me one day and claim they will hurt Quarie because i kill one of their beloved in a hit and run incident :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t use gun against shadow …you should use a flashlight, light is the easiest weapon to dispatch shadow :wink: just ensure you brings lots of battery …

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Oh that’s interesting! I’ve actually never tried going with someone I didn’t romance (and then escaping), so I think I’ll try that out and see. As for the last question, I think that’s up to you. Whoever you look for, you still have the choice to interact with them as only a friend or a rival, instead of just romance options.

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