The Oval Office : READ LAST POST

What about being the first trans president?


“Going down to Cuba like WHAT’S UP, BITCHES??!!”

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I’ll take being the first gay male President (and the first president not from the lower 48, go Alaska), thank you very much, somebody else can carry that particular torch. :wink:


If the author puts it in the story as an option I’m taking it!!!


This is a interesting idea and I love to play president, I annexed Canada and drop the bombs on Iran then start massive reforms in the government and find a way to get rid of debt with china


I second this!

Good luck not getting torn to shred by the whole world.

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More likely he gets torn apart from the inside, the American people would only tolerate so much war. (That’s if we’re going for realism).


Sometimes I forget that the US lost the vietnam war.

Good point though. I feel like the US people might not be as open to a big open war as some claim. They prefer to stick with nations that cant defend themselves much.


Woah there. Let’s not get carried away. I admire your ambition but I don’t think I have enough coding skills to pull of intricacies like that.
I sound like I’m getting ahead of myself here, but maybe if there is enough support for The Oval Office, then maybe I could release a sequel that has you re-running for president with more situations and characters. Eh, IDK.


It really depends on how good I can spin it… Also if the CIA can cause mass unrest in Canada allowing me to move troops in to restore"order" and find" proof" Iran has the bomb to justify air strikes.


I am planning to add tense, dangerous and world threatening events, such as the classic western standoff between JFK and the Cuban missile crisis, or North Korea developing nuclear warheads, or the ever growing terrorist groups like ISIS/ISIL.

If you piss off too many factions, especially allied ones, you may find yourself dealing with them declaring war on you.

Or surviving an assassination attempt.


Will we be allowed to have “Twitter wars”? :stuck_out_tongue: Currently President elect Trump likes getting into!


Vietnam and afghanistan were third world country with barely any mean to defend themselves. Canada is a first world nation with the NATO backing them.

I feel like you overstimate the US war efficiency quite a bit.

We’re also way less divided when it come to politic. Dangerous individuals are rarely left free to spread false propaganda.


Will we have to deal with reporters, whether that’s with fists or words?


You probably will yes, but that’s also what a press secretary is for, I think.

But I’m not going to be a War Mongering President myself. Be tough of course, but violence is rarely the best course of action, unless it’s all they’ll understand (which frankly is sad). Also I imagine the UN wouldn’t be overly fond of you.

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If TMZ catches you coming out of a hotel with your personal secretary… Yeah you will have to deal with the media.


You mean the first “openly” gay president. We’ve had gay presidents before, including one that lived with his partner in the White House. Just less-than open about it.


Weren’t it be easier to be a single president instead of a married one

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Sure openly gay, possibly even gay married with adopted kids to boot, still my mc would be the first one from Alaska wouldn’t he?


Alaska is pretty new, as a state. So, I think so.

Edit: Just looked it up, and it turns out that only 18 states have had a President come from them. So, it wouldn’t be too hard to be the first from a particular state…