For someone who helps run the Discord server (such as that is…) and harasses sends questions to be answered on Tom’s Tumblr, I’ve never actually made a post in this thread, huh. 
Now that I’ve finally finished a playthrough, I can report the values to the author!
The Aforementioned Values to Report
Please report these values to the writer:
Ellis Vergo:
Physical: 0
Mental: 0
Social: 80
Total: 80 (New save.)
Hopeful: 30
Mundane: 74
Lawful: 75
Ædmund: 82
Charlie: 71
Dahlia: 71
Helena: 64
Kevin: 64
Max: 70
Teri: 67
Xiulan: 66
Dating Ædmund.
Artie: 63
Professor Karline: 74
Ædmund chaos stat: 21
Duchess: 67
Alder: 64
Won trial: Yes.
Inherited: Yes.
Elected: Yes.
I may have viewed the code once or twice while playing
Here are my more critique-like thoughts on the latest chapter…
(Please note that I’m in no way an expert when it comes to writing, and if someone comes up with a critique that counters this then they’re probably in the right, and what I’ve written thus should be discarded.)
Spoiler-y Thoughts of a More Critique Nature
Gonna be real, this chapter felt kinda…all over the place, tone-wise? It’s fine for the most part - the chapter’s more serious, sure, but things are still relatively fine. The odd comedic beat or two doesn’t feel out of place.
This changes once the Slave reappears, and things quickly go to Hell. The friend chosen to accompany you can end up on the verge of death. You can lose an eye. Even if neither of these things happen, your arm breaks and a man gets his arm ripped off. This is a very dark point in the story.
But there’s mentioned that a man is putting a ferret down his trousers. A one-off, but then the Slave is defeated by produce pelting, raffle tickets, and the aforementioned ferrets who look triumphant once she disappears.
I understand what you’re trying to set up. This chapter ends on a cliffhanger, with a large group of Bloodless (potentially) learning of the existence of magic. And I understand that the Slave is less “defeated” and more “annoyed into leaving”. But the way she is dealt with feels much too lighthearted compared to what just happened.
I should note that going from serious to silly (and vice versa) is not a bad thing! If anything, the first half of the chapter proves that you can slip comedic beats into an otherwise serious scene and still have it work well.
However, the tonal whiplash towards the end of the chapter feels a little too much. It’s like being in a dark cave and walking out into bright sunlight for the first time in a while. It’s just a little too strong a contrast in comparison to what happens before.
I guess my advice would be to keep the Slave leaving out of annoyance, and have her be attacked with something that’s silly, but said silly thing is something that could seriously hurt someone (though not a demon)? Think like a frying pan (not literally, since I doubt anyone happens to have one on hand there
). 90% of the time it’s fun to watch someone get whacked with a frying pan, especially in something like a cartoon. But actually getting hit with one hurts. The wooden balls are a good start!
My only other critique is not a critique, but a bug bounty; when the portal snaps shut behind your friend, the option to ask if they’re all right is displayed as "{best_mayday}, are you okay?"
, even in the game proper. I meant to take a screenshot to show off what I mean, but forgot to. 
…And my general, non-critique thoughts on said chapter.
Spoiler-y Thoughts of a More General Nature
- Æddie’s got a full sleeve tattoo down his left arm now, eh? How many tats does he have now (assuming high chaos)?

- I love that Teri’s main concern to the portal snapping shut behind her is that her bag was destroyed and her clothes are drenched. Teri continues to be an absolute mood.
- The real tragedy of this chapter is Kevin landing on Jeremy

- I think the biggest thing I’m looking forward to in the next chapter is how the ROs are gonna react to the MC’s injuries, especially since you couldn’t take them with you. This is definitely going to be interesting for dear Ædmund, since the MC getting horribly injured is one of his worst fears coming true.

I might do I write-up for the current full game at a later date, but for now this is what I’ve got.