I don’t know for sure that stats help you on some options during the trial or if it’s purely based on the player’s choices but in the case of the ‘emotional choice’ you mentioned, I won the trial by the next choice down that line. Before that though, I did make the duke lose some face by pointing out that his own words seemed to suggest that even if he did know the law, he wasn’t really intent on following it.
Something else that I’m not sure was clarified is what is the requirement to turn the ‘inherited’ stat to true. I think i inherited 3 seats of the duchess’ total of 8 yet I’m not sure if it changed anything outside of the narrative.
High Chaos is hot and sexy Eddie, low Chaos is boring but still cute Eddie.
You raise Chaos by choosing dialogue with Eddie that draws him outside the comfortable bubble he is in at the start of the game and that exposes him to some of the harsher realities of life.
Not exactly; Ædmund is already well aware of harsher realities of life, and his initial (careful and overly protective) personality is a result of that. Increasing his Chaos level is more about helping him to have fun, even if it does break some rules, so harmless pranks will raise it, hurting others is more likely to decrease it.
Well you can gain a lot of Eddie Chaos points by not sugarcoating things when you tell him about mc’s shit life, like stealing sandwiches, fear of imprisonment, etc, etc. Which is quite serious and not fun or a prank. Maybe it is that the mc makes a lot of the harsh stuff Eddie only knew about before concrete as someone who has lived it.
But it is true that prank like stuff and things like getting him to provide the playlist for Terry’s party also raise it.
Happy New Year! I just posted the new beta version to Patreon; if you can support me, you can check it out here. If not, don’t worry, the public version will be updated on the 19th if January.
The new beta contains 344,000 words, with an average playthrough length of about 150,000.
I’ll have to check that; I may decide to change it. That should still make him feel sorry for (and thus like) you, but it probably should only reinforce his view about not doing anything wrong.
You’d have to balance it out with other opportunities to increase chaos then, because it felt to me like those options were about 40-50% of the possible Eddie chaos increases, without them he’d become too boring.
Maybe not, after all if mc had not escaped we’d still be tormented by Birton and his sadistic dog, also mc stole sandwiches (and other stuff in the case of mine probably), yes, but that was mostly to survive, first as a foster kid and then literally having to steal food to survive. It was not like mc was a classy art thief, or Danny Ocean or someone like that who embraced it as a way of life (granted my mc might have gotten there eventually assuming he’s have survived that long and met the right people as I do always choose that my mc has no particular problems breaking the law) but that would have been far off in a distant alternate future. Any petty crime my mc did before Eddie was either to directly survive or to have some shred of joy or comfort in his life, even if it was stealing a lighter and cigarettes to take the edge off.
Anyway, long story short it could also send the message that sometimes breaking the law or the rules is very much justified. As sometimes it is the law or the rules (or the people who enforce them) who are wrong instead.
After the time travel will we still behave like 17 year olds (IIRC) or do we have the mindset of someone older? I say this in case there are consequences after the trip to the past and the recovery of our memories. I haven’t played the new update yet, so maybe my question sounds a bit stupid… Also, I have a suggestion. I don’t quite remember how many years we spent in magic school (I think it was 4 years), but it sounds pretty depressing that we only know how to throw a small fireball. I would propose giving a little power up to the MC, something like a technique (or object, like a gauntlet) that absorbs magical energy from the outside, from an enemy attack, or sacrifices physical energy and exchanges it for magical, and throws it, either in a bolt of energy or boosted by a powerful punch (Adverse Fist or Negative Energy, as an example name). This is just a suggestion, of course. I love the game and I will immediately start reading the new content. Sorry if I am not able to put the spoiler tag .
And yes, the MC is still (almost) 17. While you do remember (the relevant parts of) the time travel vividly, it’s more like a dream or movie, and less like something you actually lived through.
As for the other suggestion, I am definitely going to let you power yourself up, and crafting magical items is certainly a way this could be achieved.