I heard about “Fabled Lands” for the first time from a reply on this forum. After some googling, I found this link I’m offering up for those interested. It’s a javascript app developed using the “Fabled Lands” sourcebooks. It’s essentially the same as the original, except it eliminates pen-and-paper record keeping and a copious amount of page turning. It’s free, but requires that you download Java.
It’s an open world text-based choice game that is worth checking out just to have a model for similar games in choicescript. It’s great. I ended up sinking a lot of time into it. The world genuinely felt vast, open, and alive, which is amazing to me considering that the original books came out long before CRPGs and the like. IMO, the player’s choices seem to have more effect on the world state and game than something like, say, Oblivion, which is probably the benefit of not having to graphically render every little thing. Among other things, you can own ships and sail across the sea to other continents while discovering new islands and avoiding pitfalls like pirates and mutiny.
I’m sure there are people on this forum who are already familiar with it. If I was old enough in the early 90s, I’m sure this is exactly the kind of game I would play. Doesn’t require friends or the social interaction of DnD but offers the same kind of adventure! Oh boy!
Apparently there is (or was) a “Fabled Lands” mobile app from the original author, but I think it’s only for a few of the books. Alternatively, amazon sells the original books in kindle and paper editions.
There’s a lot of content available. I haven’t even explored half of absolutely everything there is to do yet, and I played it for days straight while avoiding work I should actually do! Yay for escaping into fantasy worlds to avoid the unending drudgery of life!
Originally I wrote: “I also read that the original author had plans to write the rest of the books (only six of twelve were ever written), but that plan never seems to have materialized.”
Well, I’m happily wrong. @PaulGresty below informs me that the next book in the series is being written, and close to being completed, by him! Yay! Good RPGs are worth supporting.