Absolutely loved this game. Just the right mix of intrigue, management, humor and politics. Sometimes I get War for the West vibes (mostly on pattern of working with your council to solve issues), but your game is it’s own thing.
Some things I think I should mention:
There was no mention of marriage for your character, which is a bit weird for whole medieval thng. Actually, I don’t think your MC’s mother was mentioned, only father. Or she died in MC’s childhood? Don’t remember this 100 percent. But I think while MC should not be forced into it, at least necessity of marriage and having successor should be shoud be imprinted on MC by it’s advisors/king, etc. Maybe it’s something Emyla could work on, like freedom for that kind of thing.
Mentioning Emyla:
I felt her robbing me and getting away despite having good relationship AND romantic moment was a beet cold Could she left a message at least? Something about liking me and being sad of necessity to rob me for this whole anarchist revolition thing? Oherwise when she pops up again with her letter, it’s really hard for me to imaging my MC desiring to have anything in common with her after such betrayal.
Some of Jelok’s acts are… weird. Like when she destroyed fences for cows. As their owner put it, this most likely will result in animals’ death. Did she planned to save them somehow? Or is she willing to send a message to you by killing her “brothers and sisters”? Her motivations and methods are a bit uncler for the moment, making it hard to symphatise with her. But I guess this could be intentional.
Jeloks thing with the cows is indirectly explained when you talk to her face to face. When she talks to you about your fathers bird she tells you that part of her belief is that domestication is inherently evil that it strips away the animals survival skills. She goes more into depth than just that but that’s the clearest part that I remember. I still think her logic on that point is pretty odd, mostly because I don’t agree with it, but it is laid out well and understandable.
Yeah idk maybe she figures the cows have spent less time or something? I don’t fully agree with her on all of her points.
But that’s the thing: IIRC with scene with Seginold she muses about taking him away but decides against it because he’s domesticated and will not survive in the wild (I think, she says something like “it’s to late for him”).
But then she breakes fence for the cows. Unless, of course, she expected you to fix it But that still a bit werid.
To add more nuance, since most choices are nuanced, I made the Nature, Agility, Combat, and Ranged stat boosts include at least two stats. So if you choose a Nature choice, you’ll get +1 Intelligence, +3 Nature, for example, instead of just +3 Nature. If you choose a Ranged choice, you’ll most likely also get a +1 Agility boost, because Ranged is more Stealthy. For most Combat choices, you’ll also get a +1 Agility boost, because Agility includes being faster and more athletic.
So if you want higher stats, give it another read.
I’d suggest including some detail about the state of your manor/village on the stats screen. Flesh out the setting and player’s choices.
“Your manor is in a fair state overall. The portcullis is broken. The gardens are bare.”
“The village is in an excellent state overall. The peasants seem to be in good health.”
If you want to you can change your stats with inspect element or if you are using phone i recommend installing F12 you then go to console and type stats.strength=“100” and you can replace the strength with the names of the other stats also if the stats have two sentences you should put _ insteas of space.