Testing in Choicescript IDE with implicit_control_flow?

Is it possible to use quicktest/randomtest inside the IDE while using implicit_control_flow? Right now I get this error:

RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: chapter1 line 154: It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.

However, when I test my files myself using the index.html file it works perfectly fine. AFAIK this error is solved by adding *create implicit_control_flow true to the startup file, which I did. I’m guessing this has some basic solution but I didn’t find it in the forum.

Thanks for any help! Sorry for the noob-ish question!

edit: here’s the line just in case:

You'd met Sen too. There'd been an awkward interaction,
*if (sen_gender = "man")
  after which he'd grunted a syllable at you before leaving.
  after which she'd mumbled something and left.
You'd figured out it was ${s_hisher} name,

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