Telltale Games shut down--and was just bought and "revived"?

I agree.
It’s better to have a carefully crafted experience than to be allowed to do whatever you want(sometimes)

Damn I’m so shocked by this :sob: now my last resort for pure graphical IF games is Quantic Dream (and it’s been bad since a terrible polemic a while ago). September is being too hard to take…

I’m reminded of the fact that many indie games companies like Supergiant Games who create incredibly niche products tend to hover around single-digit employees and release a full game once every few years, instead of multiple times a quarter. I’m also reminded of the fact that we have a glut of games on all platforms, even if you take out the massive amounts of low-to-zero effort shovelware. How many worthwhile AAA or single-A games come out each year? How many worthwhile indie games come out each year? Even filtering through the dross made at every level of development/publishing (but especially at the indie/small publisher level), the answer is likely hundreds if not thousands.

There’s a reason most indie developers have a day job, or otherwise operate in “starvation mode.”

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Cool, i always hated them, they began the whole ‘episodic games’ trend, which is as bad as the DLC trend IMO

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Nah no way as bad as DLC’s. I saw it more like books in a series. It gets content out there to provide the funds to continue working on the project that is needed for smaller companies.


Oof sad news all around. Apparently its been reported that most employees were contract only. They also didn’t get any severance at all, and their health insurance wont last more than a week.

It’s a shitty thing indeed whenever someone loses their job. Here’s to hoping.

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Try playing europa universalis. Its about how Vatican came to power from 1100-1700 and conquered most of the europe. Or how the native tribes forged an alliance and drove the conquistadors back. You name it

Paradox Interactive is a major (I’d count them as “single-A”) publisher, definitely not an indie, so they’re not too comparable to someone like Telltale, who barely counted publisher-wise and quite evidently didn’t last as a mid-sized games developer.

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W-what? This is a joke, right? o_O


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Paradox’s own studio makes interesting games for sure but it’s the Obsidian stuffs they publish that truly shines, if PoE is anything to learn from

A few people have contacted Microsoft about this for the Xbox One version, explaining the situation and they gave them refunds, no questions asked. As for Sony and Nintendo, not sure yet. Could definitely see GOG issuing refunds.

There is an outrage on Twitter about this too. Yikes.

Paradox has grown within the last couple of years, for sure but I think they are still close enough to their niche roots that they benefit more from that past then not.

I think Paradox is extremely comparable to Telltale and can be used to highlight some of the differences in their approaches to development.

Example: Crusader Kings was an unexpected unicorn that was accidentally discovered. Instead of pursuing such accidental unicorns in an attempt to repeat their surprise success, they focused inward and made moves to improve that IP on several levels.

It wasn’t until Paradox overcame their niche development status that they began looking for more unicorns - their recent purchases of independent studios.

Telltales found a developmental unicorn in The Walking Dead. Instead of developing improvements in their engine, in their actual developmental processes and in their marketing (all things Paradox did) - Telltale began looking for more unicorns.

There are other differences well worth comparing too but part of that is culturally based with Paradox being a Nordic company offering support to their employees and complying with laws that other developers don’t need to.


Question : if a single person flags me, does my post gets hidden?(not reffering to big people, refferibg to regulars; also also I had a spelling error, and after correcting my post it seemed to unflag itself? You are wise and experienced, so I ask you)


I didn’t flag you?
In answer to your question, the higher the rating, the less flags needed to hide your post. So if I flagged you, it wouldn’t be hidden, but if leader (and possibly a regular? not sure) did it’d get auto hidden awaiting moderator action.
(Edit: lol not so wise I’m afraid but I have been around here for a while :slight_smile: )


…What a minute. Surely it’s illegal to just randomly fire 250 people with no notice or warning whom are already living paycheck to paycheck, and have put their lives on hold for this company!?

Some articles I’ve read have even said the company hired new employees as of last week… WTF Telltale!?


This is a gentle reminder to please keep conversations directed at the topic at hand and not at the individuals themselves.

Focusing replies on the individuals themselves instead of the topic at hand can lead to friction between members and often causes the thread to derail.

CoG’s forums is a very inclusive place - most everyone is welcome here and there are practices accepted here that may not be practiced in the main-stream.

Some people put their pronouns in their avatar info so that others will not be embarressed or feel uncomfortable by using the wrong ones.

Others are extremely uncomfortable being addressed as one gender when they don’t identify as that gender.

If you would like to continue this discussion, I suggest we make a new thread and I also suggest reading the Welcoming FAQ and other introductory posts - they will give you a better idea of the norms and proceedures of this community.


You are both wise and charming … lol… modest too. :two_hearts:


This isnt the place to discuss that quite frankly. But I will indulge you this once and try to educate.

Have you considered the possibility of others not being comfortable with being called the wrong pronoun? Its more utilitarian if anything as well. (My name is long and sometimes its easier to use she/her during a more casual dialogue)
It is also because I wish to do so. Whether people abide by it or no is not my responsibility, but I do try.

Please do try to maintain a degree of respectability and understanding in your future posts as most may not take to being called names so kindly.

Anyways, if mods could move this convo elsewhere later thank you.


I wasn’t saying that you flagged me, but this lady said something about the lack of choice impact in TTG stories, so I explained to her why you choices don’t have that much of an impact(realistically sometimes neither in life choices matter) and she kept bringing the same argument and said that the devs lied about the choice system(which they didn’t; they said they have choices, however they never said the choices we’re impactful, so I called her for unrealistic expectations and what looked to me like hatred towards the devs; she flagged me and my post got hidden so I got confused; a single flag and they hid my post; kind of unfair make it at least three)


@moderators Please could direct conversation to the point of the thread ,please. And also Explain that ruls forbidden calling names to people and direct post to them. More if including bigotry and calling biased hater and similar addresses


Guys, we are all entitled to our own opinions, you can agree or disagree but at the end of the day, we must respect each other opinion regardless of how we feel. That said, please refrain from antagonising one another and keep this thread on topic.