So I finish a scene with a series of choices, as usual. But for some reason, Choicescript just decides to stop working with line breaks. Not the actual *line_break command, but the regular paragraph break it does when you hit Return twice in the text editor.
Also, when I put a *comment on the top line, it comments out the entire page. What am I doing wrong?
Here’s a picture. The top is the text editor, the bottom is the game in the Firefox browser.
Why not simply uninstall Notepad++ and then redownload it? That should restore defaults, and as a side note *EDIT aaaand that is why I should read what the original post says thoroughly before posting a stupid comment and making an ass of myself. *facepalm* :-w
Hey Potato, I think I know the problem. Or at any rate, I have a related problem. When I end a paragraph with an *if block of text, ChoiceScript usually ignores the para break that follows. For example,
You charge the enemy, brandishing your
*if noble
*if slave
They run away.
would probably pop up as a single paragraph.
After trying various other things, I now just put in a double *line_break whenever my para ends in conditional text. That’s clunky but works.
The *comment isn’t a command, but it tells the compiler to assign the empty line to have no identation, instead of it being a part of the conditional text block.