March 1, 2022, 7:02pm
@Youdontneedtoknowme , I wonder if your thread name is actually getting at your point: would it be more accurate to say “Stories should offer longer demos or lower their prices”?
I think these threads might address (in part) the issue:
For me, it’s a combination of factors as well. In no particular order:
(1) The genre is what pulls me in. There are some that I’m already quite fond of, so those games that fall in these categories (e.g. dark and gritty ones and superheroes) are ones I’d be more likely to purchase!
(2) The demo. There are those I fall in love with after the demo, and I’ll purchase it right after the free chapters end. If I am still unsure by the time I reach the end of the free chapters, I’ll look at reviews -…
So this is aimed at published authors but I guess anyone can voice their opinion. My question is simply is it better to release your entire game as a demo or just a portion of it?
On one hand releasing a full demo would allow you to iron out more bugs and typos but does this reduce the amount of sales?
Alternatively an author could release a shortened demo which would obviously require people to buy the game when released to finish and see the ending but this would not allow the entire game to…
This is a cool conversation, but just a quick heads-up to make sure it doesn’t turn into “what games did I not like” as opposed to getting into the details and specifics of creating a game that matches the promise of the demo.
I like Mara’s point about how when you go into the first few chapters of a game, the possibilities can seem endless, but after you play, you can perceive more of the limitations of a game, which could lead to disappointment, regardless of the game. For those who have bee…
On the other hand, if the complainers are already going to complain
whether it’s three free chapters or ten… then might as well give the
fence-sitters more to go on.
True but people WILL complain if you give them 80% of the book and then charge them the full book price for the last couple of chapters. Sure the book might have been 100,000 words in total and it’s still going to be that long whether the cut off is 20% of the way or 80% however the perceived value of the latter i…