Still thoroughly confused about ChoiceScript

yeah i followed the directions, the link is very useful however when i add *goto or *label it either tells me its invalid or bad label

Are you also pairing it with *label afternoon in the text?
*goto afternoon needs a *label afternoon to go to.

yes, and im having the a problem with the stats, same error, expected at least one row

your name is Jack Maxson, you are 25 and have been living with your SO for about a year, you have been dating for two, you awake and decide what to do
#take a shower
*goto shower
#Eat Breakfast
*label shower
have a wonderful morning

The label needs to be its own section. You’ve added a choice and a label in the same set of choices. If you goto something, you don’t need a *finish. Make sure each level is indented.

#take a shower
*goto shower
#Eat Breakfast
*goto breakfast

*label breakfast

*label shower

You don’t need both *goto and *finish in the same block of code under a # for a *choice. If you’re going to put everything in a block like you do with #Eat Breakfast, then use *finish and leave the *goto out, just as you did, but if you prefer to send control elsewhere with the *goto as you do under #take a shower, then leave the *finish out. So you should get rid of the *finish under *goto shower in your own code above. @Hanon_Ondricek’s example uses *goto’s only without using *finish for that reason.

thanks that was a big help, when i type the ‘‘stuff’’ they both appear no matter what option i pick

…I’m pretty sure he was replying to a different question…

Right. “(stuff)” was just a substitution for whatever different text you’d type for each choice.

i know but when i text what i want, they both appear in each choice

im having the a problem with the stats, same error, expected at least one row

Have you looked at the Wiki or the main page? They can be very useful.

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I have,no harm in reading it again

You might have created a stat chart without any info in it. It’s hard to know for certain without seeing the code.


Name Andrew

percent intelligence

percent wisdom
  text Name
  percent Intelligence
  percent Wisdom

That explains your “expected at least one row” error message. Name isn’t indented, and you need to indent everything to be contained in your stat_chart immediately underneath it as @Just_Because has shown above. Furthermore, you also need to specify how the stat chart is to deal with the variable, again just as @Just_Because has shown, and in this case Name needs to be preceded by the word “text”, just as Intelligence is preceeded by the word “percent”. You’re basically telling it how to treat the variable you want printed. The Name variable should already hold the string “Andrew”, so you shouldn’t need to explicitly print that as well.

When i type what i want for each choice, they both appear in both choices, how can I seperate them, for example if i type you have a pleasant shower, i just want that text to apper when the player choses take a shower
#take a shower
*goto shower
#Eat Breakfast
*goto breakfast
*label breakfast
*label shower

  #take a shower
    *goto shower
  #Eat Breakfast 
    *goto breakfast
*label breakfast
*goto after
*label shower
*goto after
*label after
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Or, if labels are really confusing you you can do this:

      #Take a shower.
      #Eat Breakfast
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