Spring Thing Festival '15 Accepting Intents to Enter!

The Spring Thing is a long-running competition for interactive fiction, newly revamped this year to focus on celebrating new works and bringing authors and games from different communities together. We’d welcome your ChoiceScript games!

The details can be found at the official Spring Thing site, but in brief:

  • Games must be debuts and in a well-polished state (bug tested, etc.)
  • You must submit an intent to enter by March 1st, and your game itself by April 1st.
  • Your game must be free to play, and will be archived on the Spring Thing site after the competition ends, although:
  • You can submit to the new “Back Garden” to showcase a demo of a game you’re planning to sell, or a polished excerpt of something unfinished.

Check out the site, and I’m happy to answer any questions here or sent to aaron at springthing.net. Thanks, and happy writing! :smile:

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