This was going to be an organized, thoughtful post, but it kind of turned into a ramble…
I’m sure this general topic has come up a lot of times, but I’ve got (what I think) are a couple new ideas, so I’m starting a new thread… I’m mostly curious if anyone else has a unique way of changing stats, and I guess a general discussion of how to quantify story elements.
The Ramble
50 as Default
So, it’s nice to keep a relationship value between 1-100, and not be influenced too much by how many times you’ve interacted with a character (just generally what those interactions have been), but the different values of changes often don’t make much sense. Get a good relationship with someone, and it becomes easier to damage that relationship. Characters with a low relationship value are effectively more forgiving than those with a high one. Could there be room for friendly joking? What about a character that initially hates you unless you’ve been consistently nice, when they’ll have a moment of recognition and suddenly flip to a very positive relationship?
One solution is to assume that 50ish is the ‘easy’ value to get and define it differently for different characters. This would be confusing if you showed the actual numbers on the stat screen, but you could get around that by converting it to text or a fake percentage. Translate one character’s 50 to a 20 because they’re inclined to dislike you, and another’s to an 80 because they’re your mom. This could mean that some stats would be impossible to get (‘mom’ would never go below 30) and we have the problem again of stats going above 100. Of course, we could throw out a percentage display altogether and just use Fairmath to keep everything on the same scale, but percentages have become kind of standard now. I’d probably ‘hide’ that the stat was technically over 100 without resetting it. But then you could do something negative and it would look like it didn’t have consequences…
Or, we could have a bunch of checks at every relevant choice (probably in a subroutine) that would change what the increase/decrease actually was depending on the character, location in the story, and current value. This is essentially replacing Fairmath with something more nuanced, possibly specific to your story, but not necessarily.
Speaking of replacing Fairmath…
I’ve been planning to use a ‘sanity’ stat for a few characters, something that would keep track of stressful or traumatic things that happened to them and change their actions later. (I really feel like there’s a better word here – maybe simply stress?) I briefly considered tracking this with Fairmath, only to realize it was exactly opposite of what I wanted. People don’t necessarily incline to some midpoint between stressed and fine, but to one or the other. If you’re doing fine you wouldn’t be easily perturbed, and the more stressed someone is, the harder it’d be to cheer them up. (Yeah, I’m completely generalizing. Putting numbers on emotions is hard.)
Anyway, I was curious what the opposite of Fairmath would look like, so I tried it out. Would need some major tweaking to really be usable, since it’s pretty much impossible to bring a value up from 10 or down from 90. And of course it will skyrocket way above 100 or plunge below 0 if you let it. But it seems like it’d be useful somewhere…