Scarlet Sorceress - Making an otome CSG (WIP) - 80k words (updated 28Jun)

Can I try the demo?

hi will I be able to try out the demo

I’d like to try the demo, I saw otome and came running :running_woman::dash:

I want to try the demo :smiley_cat::smiley_cat:

I just sent out more, I’m trying to work with the limits of the forum software, so please be patient if you’re not getting the link immediately. Sorry! I’m doing this roughly on a first come first served basis.


Tentative art (I’m most iffy about this one):




I would like the demo

Ok, as of now, I think everyone who asked for the link should have gotten it. (The forum software really gets on my nerves sometimes).

If you have already asked me and I missed you out, do let me know.

If anyone else wants the link, same drill, just leave a comment or message me.

If you have any other comments, feel free to let me know. Some of the skill checks have been incorrectly coded, so I’ll try to fix those in the next update.

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I would like the demo

Can I try?

Can i try the demo?(╹▽╹)

So far, so good, it seems. I’m working on the next part now, hopefully with a release in about a week’s time. I’ll expand the story first, with the sidequests to come at the later part of the project.

Edit: Aiming for this Sunday. No guarantees though. It’s a target.

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I’d like to try the demo, please.

I’d love to play the demo, sounds really fun!

Demo please. :upside_down_face:

Hello, I would like to try the demo

Ok, I’ve sent out the links. Anyways, the door is still open if anyone else is interested. Just drop a comment or DM me.

Would love to try the demo!

Can i get the link for the demo?

i would like the demo

Might be good. I have to wait and see.

The choice ROs piqued my interest as not being only men ROs, and magic.