Running into problems with flavour text in the Stats screen

I’m having trouble with writing some text on my Stats screen.

Whenever I run the code shown below, it gives me the error on line 7, increasing indent not allowed, expected 0, not 2.

If I remove the indent, it doesn’t work either, because, obviously, it won’t work without indents.

[b]Superhero Profile:[/b]

*if Men
	*if eyec = 1
		*if hl = "no"
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. He is a Powerless, yet, his brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. He is a ${flesh}-skinned male, with a height of ${height}, ${beye} eyes, and ${hl} hair. I do not know how he can be dangerous without Powers, but, he found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for he is quite good at surprises.
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. He is a Powerless, yet, his brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. He is a ${flesh}-skinned male, with a height of ${height}, ${beye} eyes, and ${hl} ${hc} hair. I do not know how he can be dangerous without Powers, but, he found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for he is quite good at surprises.
		*if hl = "no"
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. He is a Powerless, yet, his brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. He is a ${flesh}-skinned male, with a height of ${height}, and ${hl} hair. He is also heterochromic, with his left eye being ${leye}, and his right eye being ${reye}. I do not know how he can be dangerous without Powers, but, he found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for he is quite good at surprises.
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. He is a Powerless, yet, his brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. He is a ${flesh}-skinned male, with a height of ${height}, and ${hl} ${hc} hair. He is also heterochromic, with his left eye being ${leye}, and his right eye being ${reye}. I do not know how he can be dangerous without Powers, but, he found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for he is quite good at surprises.

*elseif Women
	*if eyec = 1
		*if hl = "no"
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. She is a Powerless, yet, her brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. She is a ${flesh}-skinned female, with a height of ${height}, ${beye} eyes, and ${hl} hair. I do not know how she can be dangerous without Powers, but, she found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for she is quite good at surprises.
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. She is a Powerless, yet, her brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. She is a ${flesh}-skinned female, with a height of ${height}, ${beye} eyes, and ${hl} ${hc} hair. I do not know how she can be dangerous without Powers, but, she found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for she is quite good at surprises.
		*if hl = "no"
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. She is a Powerless, yet, her brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. She is a ${flesh}-skinned female, with a height of ${height}, and ${hl} hair. She is also heterochromic, with her left eye being ${leye}, and her right eye being ${reye}. I do not know how she can be dangerous without Powers, but, she found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for she is quite good at surprises.
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. She is a Powerless, yet, her brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. She is a ${flesh}-skinned female, with a height of ${height}, and ${hl} ${hc} hair. She is also heterochromic, with her left eye being ${leye}, and her right eye being ${reye}. I do not know how she can be dangerous without Powers, but, she found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for she is quite good at surprises.

*elseif NB
	*if eyec = 1
		*if hl = "no"
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. They're a Powerless, yet, their brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. They're a ${flesh}-skinned non-binary, with a height of ${height}, ${beye} eyes, and ${hl} hair. I do not know how they can be dangerous without Powers, but, they found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for they are quite good at surprises.
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. They're a Powerless, yet, their brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. They're a ${flesh}-skinned non-binary, with a height of ${height}, ${beye} eyes, and ${hl} ${hc} hair. I do not know how they can be dangerous without Powers, but, she found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for they are quite good at surprises.
		*if hl = "no"
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. They're a Powerless, yet, their brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. They are a ${flesh}-skinned non-binary, with a height of ${height}, and ${hl} hair. They're also heterochromic, with their left eye being ${leye}, and their right eye being ${reye}. I do not know how they can be dangerous without Powers, but, they found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for they are quite good at surprises.
${name} ${sname} is an intriguing case. They're a Powerless, yet, their brain skills outmatch those with intelligence-related superpowers. They is a ${flesh}-skinned non-binary, with a height of ${height}, and ${hl} ${hc} hair. They're also heterochromic, with their left eye being ${leye}, and their right eye being ${reye}. I do not know how they can be dangerous without Powers, but, they found a way. If engaged, be on your feet, for they are quite good at surprises.
This is the stuff that you'll see before everything has been made so, yeah. This is a secret, that reveals the Lord and Saviour of all worlds.
Name: ${name} ${sname}
Eyes: ${beye}, ${reye}, ${leye}
Height: ${height}
Hair length: ${hl}
Hair colour: ${hc}
Skin: ${flesh}
	P.S. Fun fact, I set the variable name of the skin colour to "flesh".


	percent Strength
	percent Agility
	opposed_pair Leader

	opposed_pair Shyness

	opposed_pair Suaveness

	opposed_pair Sarcasm

	opposed_pair Wholesome

	opposed_pair Bravery

This should work, I am thinking… your flavor text should align with the command line indent it is a part of, if I am correct in my thinking… you might need to indent the rest of the text as well further down.

It worked! Thanks!

I just wanted to mention, you might be able to reduce the lines if you utilize concatenation

Basically, when they choose their hair, the first choice the color, the second the length, and together a ‘style’.

For example-

Your hair is-
	#Short and-
		*set hair_length "short"
		*set hair_style "short"

Your hair is styled-
        *set hair_color "black"
	    *set hair_style & ", black" 

(Tiny example from my own go to code for this, which is why it’s not matching up with yours)

Would make ${hair_style} come out “short, black”

Then further, you can also place ‘*if’'s in the middle of a sentence.

For instance-

Blah blah blah ${hair_style}. 
*if eyes = 1
    Your eyes are ${eye_color}.
*if eyes = 2
     Your left eye is ${leye_color} and your right eye is ${reye_color}

So then, if eyes = 1, it would show as

You have short, black hair. Your eyes are blue.

You can also make pronouns a variable as well.

Just so you don’t have to type out a wall of code/text for something that can work simpler.

I did think of that before, but, I thought that it would create too many variables to keep track of. Plus, it can be a grammatical nightmare if you allow NB characters, which I did, since you can’t just change “he” or “she” to “they”, you also gotta change “is” to “are”. I prefer a wall of text personally because I can easily keep track of it. CtrlC+CtrlV is a friend.

Of course, everyone has their own way of approaching this issue. This just so happens to be my way.

Gotcha. To each their own. I just wanted to make sure you knew it was an option!

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