Relics 3: Ashes for Gold UPDATED 15th October, Final Update, see Post 741 for details

This thread be lit, yo! :sunglasses: :fire:

I’d rather leave it to the mods to do the work. Let them justify their paychecks a bit :sweat_smile:


We’re not paid, I do this because I like CoG and want to help them.


The thread has badly derailed from the game and it’s publication/lack thereof.


Mary’s staff, with a lot of responsibilities that go beyond forum moderation. Mods have always been volunteers. Forum members like us. Worth remembering when you’re tempted to treat them badly.


Ong I’m having the time of my life reading through it.

I can definitely tell :skull:. I don’t know why, but something tells me that we are not remotely on topic :thinking:

Maybe, but it’s also much more nuanced than “oh, at the end of the day, they just decide to hurt themselves.” Anyways, the topic of self harm is such a complicated one that it’s probably better to not argue about it with internet strangers, especially on a thread that isn’t about it.


Also cyberbullying and emotional abuse are real phenomena that traumatize real people (although I’m aware not everyone agrees on that… it’s a real problem with bullying being treated as real) and in those the words themselves are used as violence, even if it’s not physical.

I’m pretty sure non-moderated culture would drive away the part of the community who don’t want to be caught in constant fights (or having their trauma reponses triggered on regular basis), even if it would help the part of community who don’t mind that to feel confortable. You just can’t win that one, someone’s going to quit.


Bro, how are you not banned yet. This goes for @Moonbreaker too, you absolute madlad.
Untouchable plays in the background

Edit: Nvm RIP


It doesn’t actually require programming knowledge to get it on steam


I’m more surprised the thread is still open lol. I think we all need to cool down. People are now dishing out really spicy hot takes, especially about self-harm…

EDIT: Seems like the mods have come to the rescue :grin: