Red River Academy

Hihi I’m bratlin! I recently discovered interactive fictions and have decided to write and code my very own :slight_smile: may I present Red River Academy. Its a supernatural, horror slice of life. At the moment only the very first part of the prologue is available.

On what was supposed to be a night of fun and relaxation you and your friends were murdered in cold blood.

It all started with a party in an abandoned old church on a night built upon ancient horrors forgotten by time and memory. However death isn’t the end at least not yours, a mysterious individual is willing to give you another shot at life of a sort. Following the bloody and unusual tragedy of this night, is a new dawn with a new school and a world you could only imagine in your dreams.
It’s a second chance at life, until you realize it’s not. You are dead and there’s no coming back from that.

• Be male, female, or non binary.
• Play as gay, bi or straight
• Customize your appearance.
• Romance three separate character, plus a secret option as well as a new game plus option.
• Play as a new student at Red River Academy
• Experience a world of fantastical things from magic to grizzly horrors only found in my imagination.
• Take classes as you learn about your new world and your old one
• Pick a after school club and learn unique skills
• Participate in school battles to determine your rank
• Interact and befriend a ghost loon from another world
• Fight a god
• Romance one of several supernatural natural beings, a fellow human with a dark secret, or set up an ro with their secret crush.
• Make choices that lead you to play a good neutral or corrupt person. Be a creeper if you want!

The romance options

Lune is a fiery red head with curly hair in a boho mermaid braid, fierce violet eyes and soft golden skin with freckles that look like fairy dust that crosses her cheeks and nose in a straight line. Lune is 165cm tall with a voluptuous figure, with a lace choker tattooed around her neck. Lune is pansexual
Background: Lune was around during the time when the old gods was still worshipped and the new god and his religion was starting coming into power. During this time Lune was a thief only looking out for herself and not caring if her deeds hurt anyone. Lune was eventually captured and hung for the many crimes she committed against her fellow man.

Zephyr has bubblegum pink hair that’s shoulder length and tied into a semi up half tail. Mischievous leaf green eyes, Zephyr stands at 177cm tall, has an athletic build and hyperactive personality. Zephyr is demisexual and may be harder to romance as they already have their eye on someone.
Background: has a one sided but not really best friend relationship with [redacted] Zephyr pink hair that is not natural but rather the result of revenge after one of Zephyrs pranks was found unamusing however that backfired as Zephyr loves their pink hair.

Basil is 190 cm tall with a solidly muscular build, he has short black hair that is mixed with a lighter blue it’s unknown whether the black or blue is dyed. He has cold black eyes that glitter with a blue light similar to cherenkov radiation. Basil is bisexual
Background: Basil has been at Red River Academy since it’s early days as his clan didn’t want him around due to his unusual abilities and personality when compared to others. Since joining RRA, Basil has learned how to hide and mask his darker tendencies when among his peers however not all are fooled.

Looking for any feedback on English spelling, grammar and formatting. As well as areas that can be improved upon such as coding or story elements. Also any bugs that are found to have escaped me.

Up coming plans

Hihi everyone :slight_smile: after posting my demo I ran away to nervous to see what happened and if anyone liked.

So upcoming RRA plans, I want to try and have all of episode 0 for the next update I want to share with everyone. Plans for the rest of 0 includes meeting the rest of your friends including a ro, and your death :slight_smile: I have three death routes planned so I hope you’ll enjoy your unfortunate demise. Also for anyone wondering character creation will be included in the update, I have a plan for this hopefully it works and everyone will enjoy the set up.

I also plan to have the party >_> it may have gone from a smallish thing to huge however. I blame someone you’ll meet in the update totally their fault. Final thing I plan on working on is adding some names instead of just a text imput, as well as addressing format and English stuff like spelling, missing words and grammar.


Number #1 fan is here!!!

Great job on making this happen!!!

Can’t wait to read it!!!
Afterwards I’ll tell you my thoughts about it!!!


Edit: After reading it, I think it’s good, though the beginning feels a bit lengthy to me, and some sentences seem to be missing words in them. Still, I’d love to see this story completed, and I have high hopes for it!

Edit 2: What do I know, anyway? I don’t even have the courage to write. :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

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I keep running into this error after choosing which drink I want

Hihi thanks for giving Red River Academy a try :slight_smile: I went throught and tried to recreate this error you but wasnt able too. Can you tell me what drink choice triggered this?


Hey thanks :slight_smile: i have plans to work on improving my english along side my coding skills. So thank you for playing and giving it a try :heart:


So far it’s every drink choice that gives the error. Though it’s probably an error on my end since you didn’t encounter the error .

Thanks for letting me know! Ill go back through and see what i can find and fix :slight_smile:

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I believe I have fixed the issue you ran into thank you so much for letting me know :purple_heart:

Thanks, I love the premise can’t wait to see what you have in store

Thank you :slight_smile: i cant wait to share

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Can’t wait too see wat this story becomes it seems amazing rn

It’s too short to form an opinion but I guess I like the premise

Seems like an interesting premise, keep it up bro!

Hihi everyone :slight_smile: thank you for the hearts and likes and kind messages :sparkling_heart:

I added a up coming plans update to my original post.


Hihi everyone :slight_smile:

I’m back with a bit of an update as well as some cool (probably not) lore for a monster I created when writing one of your possible death scenes :heart:

Hopefully the scene choice will be shocking ^^ also as this is a supernatural horror slice of life thing, this is where you’ll get to chose what you come back as sorta. Each death is special and specific to the supernatural you become and where you’ll find your character creation ^^

So in the death I was writing I created (maybe? I honestly didn’t spend much time searching for other monsters like this tbh) bed of roses a Demonic spirit possessing a rose bush that propagates by planting its seed in individuals it finds beautiful before killing them and removing their head. Once the seeds sprout they look like dead rose bushes growing outta the corpses back with roots poking out of the chest and entwined around the heart.

So that’s a bit of lore about a monster you can encounter hopefully you all like my adorable bed of roses as much as I do.

As always thank you for all your support :heart:


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