For nationality, you should include a type your nationality here choice, so a player can define their character more.
Don’t use Google translate to write in a npc’s native language, if a player who actually speaks that language sees that the sentence is filled with grammatical errors and doesn’t make sense, it makes your work look sloppy. Don’t force the player to get out of the game and use Google translate and then return to the game. Go with B and different levels of detail of what they said based on if you or one of your team mates speaks the language. The Gladiator does this, but it can be kind of buggy, Gladiator: Road to the Colosseum (Out Now!) .
On discrimination, it would make sense that a group of people who kill people for money wouldn’t be the most ethical people in the world. I don’t like in game discrimination that just annoyes the player and nothing can be done about it. If team cohesiveness suffers if I take Ivan with me, there’s not a good reason for the character to join the team. Ivan must be extremely skilled and also put his work first, so he doesn’t purposely get people killed on missions and ultimately doom the whole team, in order for a lot of people to want him on the team. Since this is a choice game, it would make sense to have at least one other choice than make him a good person. He hates his people and the only family he had left and is suffering from extreme trauma, I don’t reasonable see how MC can change him if his only remaining family couldn’t, but I’m skeptical of dynamic characters in general. The best
On real word topics/discrimination, you really need to research everything and have things somewhat accurate. I don’t know much about Muslims, but if I was mean,racist character named Ivan, it would make sense to discuss the compatability of being a Muslim, killing innocent people for money, and Muslim terrorist (especially if my family was killed by terrorist). You would have to go through all the stuff non-religious people say to religious people and have somewhat good answers for a devout Muslim/ MC. It seems like it would be easier to just not include biggeted characters, but if you believe in your writting ability, it may be able to be pulled off well. The Kite Runner book handled bigotry in a believable way (I thought it was nonfiction), but it’s not for kids.
This sounds like an edgier version of team zero.