When using *'create’ to make a variable, is it possible to set that variable to a list and append items to it throughout the story?
For instance, I want to create an inventory for the character, it will show up as a variable in show stats but as the character picks up items throughout the game it will append more items into the list.
*create Inventory [item0, item1, item2, item3]
I know basic python, I’m pretty advanced when it comes to HTML/CSS, but I’m complete trash when it comes to JavaScript. I know this is possible but I have a hard time understanding it because everything is thrown around as far as languages go.
Well, AFAIK, if you mess up with the .js files and stuffs, there’s a chance that your game won’t make it through CoG/HG publication.
Now, about inventory, this link have an example of inventory system so you may learn from it.
On my own WIP, though, I assign 2 kind of variables for each items that can be picked up by the player: boolean and “string”.
Boolean is used whenever the player owns or not the said item, “string” for the amount and name of the item.