Question for people and other writers

Yep, I made this mistake and regret it! Feeling guilty about failing to keep to a self-imposed deadline isn’t helpful, don’t be me!

But on a more serious note, there was a poll a while back where readers on the forum overwhelmingly responded that they prefer less frequent/slower updates with more content, as opposed to more frequent/faster updates with less content. So in addition to the fact that it’s probably healthier to take things at your own pace, it’s actually what some readers seem to prefer overall. It might be reassuring to know how many people understand that your project will be better if you take the time you need to work on it - and it can be deceptively difficult (at least it has been for me, as a beginner) to account for how much time things like stats, balancing, and playtesting will end up taking to figure out.

Anyway, I agree with @Jacic’s advice to make something you enjoy and would want to play for yourself. Regardless of word count or genre or anything else, it will be easier to see through a project you know you yourself can be happy with at the end.