Question about potential future functions of ChoiceScript: Extended Arrays

Having dipped my toes into coding in Twine Sugarcube for a bit now, I do wonder:

Are there any plans on extending how arrays work in CS? (There’s a specific name for that kind of arrays I forgot)

Basically, you have this (from my ‘Ballad of Devil’s Creek’). This is meant to check if the MC has the same full name as or a full name that sounds identical to the full name of an NPC

*if (("$!!{name}" = "MEADOWS") or ("$!!{name}" = "MEADOW")) and (((("$!!{fname}" != "LIEN") and ("$!!{fname}" != "LIAN")) and ("$!!{fname}" != "LEANNE")) and ("$!!{fname}" != "LIANE"))

in CS, and in contrast this is

<<if $armeadowssur.includes($name.toLowerCase())>>
 <<if $armeadows.includes($fname.toLowerCase())>>

Which, especially when it’s arrays with a lot of values in them (coughhorsecough), feels… smoother, and it could be really beneficial to immersion in games (I mainly use it to have NPCs react to the MC’s names) and other areas?

Are there any such plans?