Polls about COG, HG, and IF games

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t SOH have luck stats? I think it worked pretty well there.(but I don’t know if that’s what the op is thinking about.)


In my experience, a “luck” stat often proves to be unbalanced.

Luck combined with another balancing stat often works out better.


FYI, the poll with the options about blank slate vs. established PC must be getting its results thrown off by the wording. Because that data is way, way inaccurate; blank slate PCs are preferred by far. Self-insertion and wish fulfillment are the cornerstones of IF.

Do I have a quill by my avatar?

I hate babies and the media obsession with only objective on women is Carry babies in their belly. Like all that Ubisoft last dlc There is protect methods. And why in a earth a game of Choice should force me to carry a creature without my choice


Yes, denotes your status as an author.


Either that just popped up or it’s a good thing I never followed up with my private detective intentions.


Really? I’ve been noticing this on other authors around late December or early January after…well that’s not important. Main thing is you have one and should be proud :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

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I agree. The wording is not great at all. I love blank slate PCs but not because I use them for self-insert. And blank slate MCs can talk just as much as ones with personalities, so the options aren’t very good. It’s a biased poll for sure.


Totally but with sincerity all polls put in this thread are wording in a way you could see what the author thinking is the good one milles away. However I think is unconscious and no something deliberate.


Ahhh…you have totally changed my mind about sexuality locked RO’s! Thanks for putting your view out! When I took the poll I instantly thought of how annoying it was that I couldn’t romance Dorian in DAI without even considering how annoyed my LGTBQ friends likely are about the same thing re: ROs, though they have to deal with it way more. (They deserve all the Dorians. :heart:) Anyway, thanks, you are absolutely right!


I found feeling something similar with Alistair seeing my friend Diego couldn’t romance him. However with Dorian is a great person that has a great story and romance the fact he is gay makes people aware that gays people couĺd be badass and sexy. And maybe animated them to role play a gay character and understanding a little better how are they circumstances. And that is a good thing of role playing helps empathise with other people feelings and problems in a way.


I totally agree

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Creature? Lol, that isn’t the first time I heard someone describe infants that way but it still gets me every time. (Also the last sentence is a good question and I’m kind of finding it hard to find an answer because I really didn’t think about choice.)

Also, my answer to this wasn’t on here so I decide to answer it in text.

It really depends I usually go for blank states but for some games, I feel like a pre-made fits way better. (like if a story author came on this site and asked me what type of character should they have, blank or pre-made, I would probably say pre-made since that’s what they what they most likely know best.) Also, the wording is slightly off in the choices but I get what you mean. (also I can’t complain because the wording in my polls is slightly off as well.)


I could give one. That is key part of the storytelling. But then Author should be plainly sincere about it. And say have a baby in the highlight and not like Ubisoft . And always give several options to adapting the storytelling to diversify the orientation . I personaly will never player Infernal pregnancy the game XD but many will


In fairness all of these polls consist of nothing but leading questions.



What is your opinion regarding the author breaking the fourth wall or adding references?

  • I love when the author does either or!
  • I don’t really care for that…
  • Neutral, I can go with or without.
  • I don’t really notice half the time anyway.
  • Fourth wall breaks are A-OK, references are meh.
  • References are A-OK, Fourth wall breaks are meh.

0 voters

I answered neutral but it really depends on the game. Some sorts of the more lighthearted or comedy games could benefit from having a fourth wall breaking “narrator” or even conversations between the mc and the player incorporated. But for most games I’d say keep the fourth wall breaking absent or to an absolute minimum, unless you really incorporate it into the flow and premise of the game.


I don’t know if I’m just clueless but I can’t see the polls on here being basis(except for the ones I posted because all the polls I post are basis, I think even though I try not to make them so.) Yeah the wording for the poll was a bit off but I still kind of got what they mean. Let’s not discourage the op from making polls in their own thread, let’s send feedback.

I agree that it depends on the game. Fatehaven, for example, wouldn’t be the same game without the 4th wall breaks.

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For me personally, 4th wall breaks are a hard pass, but that’s just the kind of tone I prefer and it might work really well for certain games or certain players. Honestly it’s mostly just because nobody ever does them well. I’m spoiled on that kind of sarcastic omnipresent-narrator humour from Hitchhikers, Discworld, and Monty Python.