Please bring back the save system on release day

I posted this response on Reddit about two years ago, but it’s still the best I’ve been able to say it…

"I made an edit to my previous point, but based on the nature of how code works… you end up with a file with a lot of tracked variables. Authors may not even know that they want a certain character to be reoccuring until the book comes out and there is positive critical reception to that character. They may have originally wrote the code to update the saved variables, and not included that character’s fate at all in it. But, positive feedback means they go back, see that there was a choice to spare or kill the character they didn’t know they were even going to be bringing back, and update the code to now report to the list of variables what choice you made.

The delay in save systems means that you, as the consumer, don’t end up with a save that is outdated and doesn’t work in the upcoming title. By making it wait until the sequel is submitted for review, the save you make after that point is the correct save with all of the correct variables to track in the next title."