Page Breaks within nested dialogue/choices?

I have a few choices with nested dialogue (see example) that have pretty lengthy descriptions. Is there a way to introduce a *page_break in these or would that require a new label?

#Throw a pickle.
Blah blah blah. This got long.
*page_break ?

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I’m a chronic over-writer and have used page breaks in my choices without an issue. Otherwise if you feel like the body of your *choice is getting too long, don’t be afraid to jump labels.

Like such

#Cool choice goes here.

        This is gonna get long!


        Another set of paragraphs here! Oh boy.

        *Goto morewriting

I’ve occasionally placed an extra page break before the goto command as well, since otherwise it’s just going to continue without a break.

I personally prefer to keep the text beneath the choices down to two or three paragraphs, depending on the amount of words just because it’s easier to navigate later on.

I hope I understood the question right, it’s too early for my brain to function properly :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Basically I have about 7 - 9 paragraphs in a handful of my nested dialogue options. I’m trying to avoid labels (because I already have a metric ton of them) because I’m trying to avoid C-Script errors and such.

Labels do seem to collect like dust when making a game (I’m scared to count my own, yikes).

But I would say it’s best to try the page breaks in one place in the script at first and run a play test, unless someone far wiser than me pops up and has a conclusive answer! But the former option is a way it’s tested if the breaks work, and you don’t have to go through all your scenes and delete your code if it doesn’t work.

I’m by no means professional at scripting, so my advice should be taken with a grain of salt. All I can say that it works for me, or at least has worked so far.

I think a good rule of hand is

  • if it is below 300 word, put it in the choice
  • if it’s above 300 make it a label

A page break doesn’t substitute for a goto, but as long as it eventually reaches a goto there should be no issue with a page break in there. So to expand your example:

  #Throw a pickle.
    Blah blah blah. This got long.
    The pickle epic is concluded.
    *goto backtobusiness
  #Throw a banana.
    Bananas deserve only a couplet.
    *goto backtobusiness
  #Throw a fit.
    That didn't last long.
    *goto backtobusiness
*label backtobusiness

All this assumes you’re not using implicit control flow; if you are you can dispense with the goto after every choice.

My own experience is that ChoiceScript errors get more likely the more nested choices you have. If you use labels in a way that limits nesting and keeps most of your code no more than two or three tabs deep, you’re generally less likely to have hard-to-track, confusing indentation errors.


You’ve gotten some good answers, but I’ll give you a straight up one here as well:

  1. Yes, you can use *page_break inside a nested choice or anywhere else you want to.
  2. No new labels are necessary.


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@Sam_Ursu @Havenstone @MeltingPenguins @Rydinger

Thanks for the input folks. You guys are appreciated. I didn’t expect to see so many notifications when I woke up.

I think this particular (the longest nested dialogue I have) is about 350 ish words? It’s definitely not 400 or more but it’s over 300.

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Here’s my advice: write your game and don’t stop until it (at least the first section) is playable. Don’t post anything else to the forum unless it’s a technical question (like the *page_break one that started this).

Then… when you’ve got that first playable bit done, you can put it online and start a WIP comment thread. People will test it and give you feedback, and then you can jigger with things like how many words on a page, et cetera.

The most important thing to ask yourself all along is: is it fun for me the author to play? If it is, it likely will be for others as well!

Again, just advice, not a commandment! :cowboy_hat_face: