Options you want to have more often and other features and elements you want to see more often in COGs or HGs

I want more games with combat / assasination choices


Thank you for explaining. I don’t recall any released COGs or HGs that make any assumptions of the MCs height, outside of that stated by the players/readers themselves when there’s an explicit or implicit option of choosing the height of the MC. However, I have noticed a couple of WIPs that seemed to assume your character is tall(for male characters in the first one) or at least not short(the second one). The first one is the Golden Rose and the second one is Diaspora.

I have to admit I also get a bit annoyed (the few times) when a COG, HG or whatever make assumptions about my character’s height that I haven’t put there myself,so to speak, at least as long as it’s something I wold never have voluntarily chosen for my character. But as long as the writing is really good, as the wrting of The Golden Rose is, and the HG or COG in other important ways allow your character to be a non-warrior character and in other ways avoid being the “big, strong warrior” kind of character and there’s no other big issues, I can set that annoyance aside and still enjoy the COG,HG or WIP. But if that’s not the case, like with Diaspora, where I don’t really like how the romances with the female ROs is handled(from what I’ve read), it can be enough to ruin what would otherwise had been an enjoyable COG,HG or WIP for me.

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I see options for height fairly often, but what bothers me is that sometimes the options are just not very specific even if the choice is prompted with a specific, poorly-described reference. e.g. “Are you shorter or taller than this person (whose height I haven’t given you?)” or in one instance, I pick “I’m tall.” and the text comes back and tells me “Oh so you’re 5’11"” (which is just slightly above average height here).


I’m all here for those sweet “Lemme be tall as an effin’ high-rise” options. I need to overcompensate. Badly.

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Can’t say I’ve seen any options to be 75-150 feet tall in a Choicescript game. You can probably get that tall in Dawn of Corruption (spoilered the name of the game because it is an adult game and this is not the adult forum)

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Oh, but this thingy right here might become an actual thingy:

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Though, now I’m wondering if my usual selection of “very tall” is correct for not for a character that in my head is 6’3".

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I do actually prefer the writers just letting you state that you’re tall, short, average and so on. Like you said, what is considered to be tall in one country may be considered average, or even short, in another. And of course the average height of women and men are quite different too from one another too. All of the released HGs(no COGs so far) that have allowed you to choose a specific height so far, have been written by women. This probably also plays a role in that the height ranges being described as tall or average in those COGs or HGs look more like (I’m not 100 % sure which) like what is considered tall and average for a western female or sort of like what is would be considered to be tall or average compared to the average western human(including both men and women). This means that if I use my actual height, which is considered to be quite short for a man in my own country, the HGs still describe me as average, if just barely.

I’ll admit that this can feel a bit strange when I’m reading/playing the HG, but I just counter this by reading between the lines and assuming that, unless the HG question signals that the women and men in this world are about equal height(like a couple of COGs seem to have done), that this still means that my height would still be short for a man in this world, although maybe at around human average in that world or compared to the female average. So, I don’t mind it that much.

However, I still think being less specific about the excact height or instead just using less specific categories/specifications like very short, short, medium/average, tall and very tall is a better way of “setting” the height of your character and the other characters. That way everyone can just imagaine the height of their character to be whatever height they consider to be tall, short or average(or very tall or very short), based on where they’re from, without having a specific height being described as tall, short or average, when that doesn’t fit with what they consider to be tall, short or average. And since this way of doing things also can be used for NPCs even if you should decide not to have the COG/HG include an option of selecting your character’s height, it can also prevent situations where the specificied height of a NPC who is descibed as being tall, short or average, doesn’t seem to be that tall, short or average to the reader/player.


I don’t really mind whether the MC’s height is specific or not, it’s just awkward when there’s a disconnect between level of specificity in the choices and level of specificity in the game itself.


I’d love to see more games where you can see what the stat checks are, as a togglable option. So you can see if a choice needs more of a stat, what choices add to your stats, as part of the game.


I want options to choose for my character to be ugly/unattractive and have it affect the gameplay, as well as possible romance with the ROs. So far I’ve only seen this in Sherlock Holmes An Affair Of The Heart, and wish other future games would implement this.


I prefer this being less specific also, if height options are present. If I’m talking to someone in real life, I have no idea whether they’re 6 ft 2, but I do know if I’m always tilting my head to look up at them or if they have to duck under low doorframes.


Sometimes being too specific is a flaw more than it’s an upside. There’s a point where the game needs to stop describing stuff and where the player needs to fill in the missing blanks


I’d like to see more options where the MC doesn’t realize they’re interested in/flirting with a PC. I LOVE this in FH, it would add to the “dense bold” flirting mentioned previously here. It’s interesting when the reader knows something their character doesn’t, and I think this can go for romance and their inner worlds, too.


I like when these games let me flat out decide my sexual orientation. Otherwise, I feel like the game assumes I’m bisexual by default. I know it’s silly but it’s something that matters to me. Even if it doesn’t lock-out certain romances, I appreciate it at least asking me.


The option to give your RO a nickname and / or a pet name. So far only FH 2 seems to let you do that.

Let’s hope two major series doing this will start a trend.


I fully understand not doing it, whether it’s not wanting to force labels or allowing for exceptions or any number of other reasons, but yeah I far prefer being able to make it clear I’m only interested in women. I don’t need to read about my unquestionably lesbian character drooling over some dude’s pecs or whatever. It really takes me out of it, plus is uncomfortable on a personal level.


I think Wayhaven 3 will have that option too, IIRC from the Instagram post. Might be just for M, though.

I actually dislike this, but if you’re looking for other games, Fool! had a feature that connected aethleticism to attractiveness, and attractiveness influenced the availability of some ROs (I really enjoyed the game except for that one feature, lol)


Zip! Speedster of Valiant City has that as well, I think, with the established spouse. But yeah, nicknames would be good to see more of generally.

Including ones used by NPCs for your MC, which the above game also has, actually. Although you do still have to choose it, and it would be nice to see some which are instead chosen by NPCs based on your character’s personality. That might be difficult to implement well, since you run the risk of the stats ‘misunderstanding’ the MC’s actions, but there are already some games which give your character a title or nom de guerre based on story decisions, so it could work.

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