October 2023's Writer Support Thread

Shout out to @Havenstone for his updated entry:

I have been referencing his copy while working on my Jam entry and I find it helpful in keeping my multireplace script in order.

So, thank you for taking the time and effort @Havenstone .


This is string of answers that explains my method and reasoning behind it. NaNoWriMo has let me see that my best way forward (for me) is to not look back often. To learn when to look back. @QuincyAdams I’d advise for this month, prepare for next month: make outlines, jot down ideas, otherwise gather your thoughts. Try to participate in NaNoWriMo next month. Do not do it with the goal of actually hitting 50k words unless you really want to. The goal is to just write. If you find time to edit, write instead. If you find time to ponder and idea, write instead. If there is a scene that you didn’t think work, jot down a two sentence note to yourself and move on. Throw every idea at the wall even if it is complete trash. The point is to train yourself to write consistently. For a full month toss out every excuse and just write.

In December look back at what you wrote. Look how far you are able to get, start editing grammar and parts of the story.

The best advise I feel I ever have taken away from others is that writing is about writing, not planning, not world building, and not grammar. If you spend too much time distracting yourself from actually putting words to paper, then you are not actually writing. Planning, grammar, and world building can be built up later: first build up the mentality to actually write consistently. Then learn how much time to set aside for editing, world building, etc. Books are started by inspiration, but finished through dedication.


Thanks, @Eiwynn! :slight_smile: Five years ago I would have laughed if you’d told me I would ever write any part of a guideline to using multireplace. But here we are. Turns out it really is useful, and not as hard as I’d thought.

Edit: especially in combination with macros.


Well, I have obviously not been having a normal month. I was traveling in September and landed home last week, but I’d barely had time to get past my combined jetlag/airport sniffles before the sirens started. As the saying goes, life is just one damn thing after another, and I’m fortunate to be much less affected than most people I know.

Still, refreshing the news feeds all day doesn’t actually do me (or anyone else) any good, so after doing the only thing I can to help (donating blood), today I’m back to working on my secret project. It sometimes feels frivolous, trying to write my silly little stories at a time like this, but I power through the feeling because that’s all that I know how to do.


So glad and relieved that you’re not directly affected, Hazel. I don’t have words for the horror of everything going on near you right now – but keep on writing, and thanks for being part of our community.


Joining the October thread a bit late in the month this time :smile:

So… I haven’t written anything since the beginning of August, basically, because, well… other than work and other family stuff, I’ve sort of been, seduced (this is, in fact, the most accurate word) by the world of c-ent and c-dramas the past few months… so instead of writing I’ve been busy catching up on the drama series of my favourite actors and actresses, as well as spending more than enough time politely discussing with people about how accomplished certain actors/actresses are in the c-ent scene based on awards, popularity, box office, and TV ratings :sweat_smile:

There is some good news that have come out of this regarding my writing, however; the historical power-struggle dramas I’ve been watching are actually excellent sources of inspiration for the WIP I’m working on. So this month, now that my passion for these trivial fandom things has died down somewhat, I’ve picked up work on my story again with fresh ideas and inspiration.

Hope everyone has a good month this October, and good luck to everyone participating in the Halloween Jam!


Don’t worry, I’m preeetty sure I’ve joined at the last week of month at times.

In good news, I finished writing one chapter of my thesis last night; now I’m waiting for my headache to pass so that I can actually proofread it. In bad news, I still have more chapters to go than what I’ve written. I should be able to do this. Grlbh.

This is made even worse by the fact that today is the national day of Finnish literature. I should be writing that, not trying to scrape something together in a foreign language.


The fact that there is a national day of Finnish literature makes me want to emigrate at once.


There’s also the national day of Finnish poetry, somewhat at least - it’s “the day of poetry and Summer”, but anyway - in July (and the day of Finnish language in April). They’re both (all) related to days of Finnish authors on the subjects (birth- or death dates) that are kind-of celebrated on the day.


I found out the other day that in Finland you get a sword at PhD graduation ceremonies… Never have I been more tempted to return to academia…


“Publish or perish” would be a great invitation to a duel.


I want to use this so much


You and me both, Brah. Man…

That said, I haven’t gotten much done on Phoenix Rising this month. TAT I wish I could say I had but I keep procrastinating. Like, I’ll go to write, and instead I’ll think about how pretty it would be in Twine, or I’ll go to write and find myself on a wiki rabbithole, or on here instead.

I think I’m coming up on a creative block and I really don’t want to.

On the bright side, I’ve been able to be a little more active at least in editing it, while doing some bug-hunting on the CSIDE program. @CJW has been kind enough to let me help! It’s been super fun!

And I got two interviews done today, both of which were extremely promising for full-time work! Wish me luck!


Good luck!


The more you know.


You will nail it! In Spanish we say mucha mierda that it is the wish luck to the actors and all that. I think English language uses. break your leg or something. It sounds savage to me, lol


XD It is a little savage! I think the idea originated from two possible scenarios:
Understudies saying it to the principle actors in jest, since if the principle actor did, the understudy would get their role…
Or people saying it in order to give fate the idea to just break a person’s leg when something goes wrong, rather than something fatal.

That’s my theories, anyway.

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Huh, that’s an interesting article. Here I’ve always associated it to a similar root that the old folklore beliefs where talking about things that are well is tempting evil spirits or the like to take them away, so one should always pretend things are bad.

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Holy shit, my whole ass theory is wrong! I love it! Thank you so much @AletheiaKnights for putting that here! I love learning weird shit like this!