October 2023's Writer Support Thread

For purely selfish reasons, I want someone to make this. Wasn’t there a movie about this? I feel like I saw a trailer for a cartoon film years ago.

Omg this is exactly what I had in mind - and your art is beautiful!


No idea but sounded great in my head and is something people would love


One of the things the prompt for the Halloween Jam Mirror Mirror made me want is to turn this idea into a full-blown IF. I thought it up as I uploaded a new update to my Jam entry.

It was a big deal; it was all the villagers were talking about. Your twin brother/sister, that golden child who gets everything (s)he wished for and everything you hoped for to boot. That arrogant brat whom the King and Queen summoned. They had just been brought in front of the Holy Maiden, the prophet of the Kingdom who revealed that (S)HE was the Lord/Lady of the Sun, the hero destined to bring peace to the world.

Well, that was what they were talking about before an army of the dead raided your village and slaughtered everyone but you. Then, when the Lich King towered over you, and you feared your end, he knelt and proclaimed you the Lord/Lady of the Moon, the villain destined to face the hero and destroy the world…


I couldn’t write that compact a story to save my life, sadly. But the main problem is that I really need to focus on academic writing right now.

Yeah, I’m going to go for that straight away.

(Technically the skeletons could work - it’s about a wizard’s house where all mirrors have magical entities sealed in them and breaking one could cause a full-blown demon invasion [also some inspiration from the mirror cult I read about in a horror novel once] - but the image of the skeleton crew I have in mind is more about skeletons manning a space/airship, to the surprise of everyone else, with the person controlling them a living being acting as the ship’s captain.)


Literally a skeleton crew, I guess.

I’m currently reviewing the IFComp 2023 entries, and there are plenty of good ones as usual. The common setpieces this year I found: nautical, (murder) mystery, dark.

I started with the ones written by in-house CoG/HG/HC authors, then moved on to the shorter ones. One Knight Stand will probably be reviewed later as it is very stat-intensive and very long (for a first chapter). It’s really nice reading the interesting contributions by different authors.

The aforementioned skeleton crew on a spaceship would fit in with two out of the three themes. Throw in a mystery, and you’ve got your Halloween jam entry. Halloween jam reviews would probably come later since there are fewer submissions. So there’s a chance that updates this month will be delayed or cut back.


Bone creature pets are such a fun concept. Years ago I did a request to design a bone creature pet as part of an art jam and made a bird-ish critter. Had a ball with it. (*Resists urge to start any new WIPs I have enough already :sweat_smile: )

Edit: The main show with a pet skeleton dog that comes to mind is Funnybones


Right, I have ONE MORE SCENE TO WRITE for my halloween jam! If I’m lucky, I can knock out a lot of it this weekend and have it ready by next week!

Excited pterodactyl noises


Omg this is cute.

On another note!!!
I am distracted. I have found a gamejam that I joined on a midnight-fueled bender, and I decided to start it in Twine, and now I’m questioning literally everything and whether I should restart the project in Choicescript, which I know better, or whether I should just drop the gamejam entry entirely, and focus on Phoenix Rising…

Ugh. If I could put gifs here, I’d put a gif of a victorian woman dropping onto a fainting couch in disgust.

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fun fact choicescript games works wonderful with gifs. My advice is focus on deadline

It’s the deadline for the jam close enough for me switch engine?

If the answer is no. Focus on ending the game in the current engine then with feedback on it and editing think if you should change for the last version.

Also good luck in the gamejam


The deadline is oct 31rst, so that’s not an issue… I could switch engines. My problem is, what if it takes away attention from my main project so much that I end up being unable to come back to Phoenix Rising. It’s happened before to some of my projects. TAT

I can’t even get pngs to work. TAT Gifs would be beyond me.

Thank you!


I reached almost halfway through the Royal Affairs expanded epilogue this week! It is quite the experience following up on many, many things that are tracked earlier in the game, and the present-day scenes so far have been branched at least eight ways. Which is … a lot. I’m feeling pretty good about it though - it’s fun feeling out how some of the characters have changed during the time skip.


I am discussing with someone with no idea of English whatsoever literally first lessons at duolingo…

“It is many people not much your app is right.” I told him

Well, he has been raging about how much wrong I am and his dictionary and his app. Because gente is uncountable in Spanish.

It seems that if x is one way in one language is right for all languages… Go figure


First week over and failed to finish chapter one of daemonglass due to a lot of conflicting thoughts about the runecraft system. So I’m going to extend my plan for another week before doing chapter one of A Familiar Magic.


El puede diga “mucha gente” para contarla, no hay problema. No puedo creer que yo fije las idiomas~

In ingles news, i’ve finally struggled through the first four chapters of my WIP. I’ve got really high hopes, so I hope the readers enjoy it as much as I liked writing it


I’ve experienced that phenomenon from the other side, watching native English speakers impose English rules onto Spanish and French, as well as observed some of the characteristic errors that hispanohablante immigrant kids fall into as they pick up English. But at least none of them was so arrogant as to claim the dictionary was wrong. :roll_eyes: Yikes!


The second week of October has started out busy for me.

I am working on both a Jam entry and Patchwerks.

I enjoyed what I have done on the Jam entry because through this, I am fleshing out a few things for new systems and mechanics I hope to use in the future. I do not know if I will finish it though.

I feel guilty for not using the time I spend on the Jam entry for Patchwerks.

So, that is the start of this second week summed up.

I hope everyone meets their goals for the week.


Honestly, it’s always good to remember that by working on this jam entry, you are still working on patchworks, because you’re fleshing out systems for future use that you’ll be able to go back and look at when the time comes. It’s like a bit of a demo, and it’s honing your skills so that when those things are implemented, they will be implemented with a lot of the kinks worked out!


Already behind. :person_facepalming: Having that one recruitment process that turned out being a complete waste of time didn’t help though.


Short games are great for testing new systems and mechanics. I wish you luck!

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Finally got past the roadblock with chapter one of Daemonglass settling on exactly what I want the runecraft to work. Chapter One is currently just under 10k words, I’ve got the sparring scene with the mentor to do, just been working on introducing the Rival and then there is the final test to do along with the chapter one cliff hanger.