New Hosted Game! Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 by Devon Connell

So far as I can gather from Shikigami - Wikipedia, shikigami don’t have a corporeal form unless they possess something. If they possess something, that something must exist before it can be possessed?

I figured it was the emperor’s choice, so I had to ask.

Still though, why would an emperor be named after a province? they had (and still have, I believe) strict naming conditions for the royalty. From Japan's New Princess Gets a Traditional Name

The name was said to have been selected by her parents, Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako, from several candidates recommended by three scholars. But the final choice needed to be approved by the emperor, as is royal tradition.

I don’t suppose they’d have selected something as common as the name of a province, do you?

In some forms of fiction, they just appear as animals. Weird huh.

Remember this is Hyuga: an alternate-Japan. It’s likely the naming conventions would be different. Or perhaps he has some history with that province (or perhaps the name means something different, and what was once Satsuma province is now something else).


Is anybody able to make saves? Once the story finishes there is no prompt to save, only the sharing/voting & subscribing appears.

This is on the Hosted Games ios app.


Only when the next game in a sequel somewhere near finished would the previous one provide you a save system.


Brilliant! Loved it, you have done a great job. There is going to be a book 5 right? I just have one question, when buying the game there were 2 options, $2.99 for side stories and 5.99 for the game, I bought both, but I do not know how to read the side stories.

This hasn’t happened before though :thinking:

I mean, urr, save your whole game in the end, I…just try to avoid two games both in one sentence, three if I didn’t settle for the previous one…don’t ask me why, silly me.

I think they changed policy. We have to wait for Book 5 to be on publishing queue before they will include the save state.

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Didn’t even know this was due :scream: best replay the others! :nerd_face:

Was just keeping up with Junko​:sweat: to meet Toshie and Masami :relaxed:

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I see. Thanks for the reply.

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This was hellish, but I would do it all over again.
Great for Jun(ko) romancers btw, a lot of character development and hot sex, and just all in all a lot of gut wrenching stuff.


Wait does that mean female mc’s will have a kid


Possibly, or not. After all, pregnancy isn’t guaranteed in one night, no matter how many times you have sex (even if it increases the chance) and may not be when you’re most fertile. Also there’s always the possibility of aborting or miscarriage due to stress/trauma/fighting/etc.



“You won’t get pregnant the first time” is definitely a myth though. It would be nice to see a character deal with the consequences of his actions.


Her. Her actions. The protagonist may be pregnant, but I doubt the books are going to be interesting if we switch from “ronin-simulator” to “pregnant in Japan simulator”.


This is no joke.

The lack of agency in this installment left me continually feeling helpless, in a way that may make other abuse survivors extremely uncomfortable. I imagine this is probably the atmosphere the author was going for- to make us viscerally feel the ronin’s deeply shifting reality- but I can’t say I found it very fun to read at all. It was honestly pretty degrading.

Also, as someone who is more character driven than plot driven, the marked lack of former companions felt very stark to me, and I found myself unable to engage fully in the clan feud plotline.

This is not to say I didn’t enjoy it at all- exploring Jun/ko’s background and emotions was heartbreaking, and the spirit binding had me SHOOK.

So I would recommend careful attention to the trigger warnings and maybe some research on the particulars. Anybody on the fence about this who would maybe like a little more detail please feel free to message me.


Will we be able to save Jun/Junko in the next book? Or will this be the end for him/her? ‘Cause if it is I don’t think I can handle it. :sob:


Already finished book 4 and it was AMAZING and sad, can’t wait for the 5th book :smiley: btw junko is my favorite one :slight_smile: :heart: